

单词 ed



erectile dysfunction (previously referred to as impotent)


abbr.1. effective dose2. election district3. erectile dysfunction


E0035350 (ĕd)n. Informal Education: driver's ed; adult ed.



n. education: driver's ed. [by shortening]


1. Department of Education. 2. effective dose. 3. erectile dysfunction.


, a suffix forming the past tense of weak verbs: He crossed the river. [Old English -de, -ede, -ode, -ade; orig. disputed]


, a suffix forming the past participle of weak verbs (he had crossed the river), and of participial adjectives indicating a condition or quality resulting from the action of the verb (inflated balloons). [Old English -ed, -od, -ad; orig. disputed]


, a suffix forming adjectives from nouns, typically specifying that the person or thing modified by the adjective possesses or is characterized by whatever is denoted by the noun base: bearded; diseased; layered. Such adjectives are often derived from adjective-noun or quantifier-noun phrases (black-haired “having black hair”; three-headed “having three heads”) or from more complex constructions (hourglass-shaped “having the shape of an hourglass”). [Middle English; Old English -ede]


1. edited. 2.
pl. eds. edition.
pl. eds. editor.
4. education.


election district.
Noun1.ED - impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penisED - impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his peniserectile dysfunction, male erecticle dysfunctionimpotence, impotency - an inability (usually of the male animal) to copulatedisfunction, dysfunction - (medicine) any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group; "erectile dysfunction"; "sexual relationship dysfunction"



To be extremely drunk, especially to the point of losing consciousness. I think you should call a cab for Tony—he's looking pretty blotto. It seems like my brother's only goal during college is to go out and get blottoed as often as possible.

install(ed) base

business jargon The number units of a particular product or service that are currently in use, especially software or an Internet or computing platform. (Also referred to as "install(ed) user base" or simply "user base.") There have been fears that the computer giant's existing installed base may decline after their newest operating system is implemented.See also: base

install(ed) user base

business jargon The number units of a particular product or service that are currently in use, especially software or an Internet or computing platform. (Also referred to as "install(ed) base" or "user base.") There have been fears that the computer giant's existing installed user base may decline after their newest operating system is implemented.See also: base, user


Very disgruntled, irritated, angry, or outraged. ("PO'd" being a euphemistic abbreviation of "pissed off.") John was so PO'd when he found out that someone else had been given the promotion instead of him. There's no point in getting PO'd over a bad grade on your exam. Just study harder next time!

in (one's) stocking(ed) feet

Wearing only one's socks or stockings, but not one's shoes. I had just run out to grab the newspaper, but the door locked behind me. Now I'm stuck outside in my stockinged feet!See also: feet


1. To overdose on drugs. I think she OD'ed—call an ambulance! I've taken so much cough syrup in the past few days that I feel like I'm gonna OD on it.2. By extension, to consume or do something to an excessive degree. Candy, cupcakes, and ice cream? The kids are going to OD on sugar! I think I OD'ed on video games this weekend. I need a break.

ex out

To draw an ex (X) or series of exes over some written word or name so as to designate its removal or need to be disregarded. A noun or pronoun can be used between "ex" and "out." A: "Why is Amy's name exed out?" B: "Because she's not coming on the field trip anymore." Just ex out all of the words that you feel need to be deleted in the next draft.See also: ex, out

X out

To draw an ex (X) or series of exes over some written word or name so as to designate its removal or need to be disregarded. A noun or pronoun can be used between "X" and "out." A: "Why is Amy's name Xed out?" B: "Because she's not coming on the field trip anymore." Just X out all of the words that you feel need to be deleted in the next draft.See also: out


slang Angry. A mild substitute for the slang term "pissed." (Also formed as "p'd" and "p'ed.") I could tell that he was peed, so I just gave him some space to cool off.See also: pee

g'ed up

slang Dressed in a manner or style associated with rap or hip hop culture. You're squeaky-clean right now—we need to get you g'ed up.See also: up

X someone or something out

to mark out something printed or in writing, with Xs. Sally X'd the incorrect information out. Sally X'd out the incorrect information. You should X Tom out. He's not coming. Please X out this line of print.See also: out

x out

v.1. To make X-shaped marks on something to indicate that it should be deleted, canceled, or ignored: The editor will x out any offensive lines in your letter before publishing it. I wrote my number on the sheet and then, thinking again, I x'ed it out.2. To remove someone or something from a list or record: Many details of the Spanish civil war have been x'ed out of the history books to make room for more recent events. My name should be on the admissions list unless they have decided to x me out.See also: out

g’ed up

mod. well dressed; gangstered up. (Streets.) He’s fitted. You know, iced up and g’ed up. See also: up


1. n. an overdose of a drug. (Initialism. Drugs.) If you take an OD and no one is around, you may end up dead. 2. in. to purposely or accidentally give oneself a fatal dose of drugs. (Drugs.) I knew he would OD someday. 3. in. to die from an overdose of drugs. (Drugs.) Two kids at my school ODed last weekend. 4. n. a person who has taken an overdose of drugs. (Hospitals.) How many ODs did you get in here last weekend?



in the Bible, name of an altar raised on the left bank of the Jordan.



a river in the Komi ASSR, a left-bank tributary of the Bol’shaia Loptiuga River in the Mezen’ basin. The Ed is 151 km long with a basin 631 sq km in area. It is a winding river, fed by snow and rain.


(engineering acoustics) electronic dummy


(tool, text)(editor) Unix's line editor. Ed is rarelyused by humans since even vi is better.

Unix manual page: ed(1).


(1) (Enhanced Definition) See EDTV.

(2) (ed) (EDitor) A Unix line-oriented text editor written by Ken Thompson in the early 1970s that continues to be included in most versions of Unix/Linux. Ed gleaned functions from the qed editor developed by the University of California at Berkeley. It was followed by the somewhat more user friendly ex (EXtended) editor. Ex added a full-screen, so-called "visual" capability that was subsequently incorporated into the vi editor (see vi).

(3) (ED) (Extra High Density) See super floppy.



 [dōs] the quantity to be administered at one time, as a specified amount of medication or a given quantity of radiation.absorbed dose that amount of energy from ionizing radiations absorbed per unit mass of matter, expressed in rads.air dose the intensity of an x-ray or gamma-ray beam in air, expressed in roentgens.booster dose an amount of immunogen (vaccine, toxoid, or other antigen preparation), usually smaller than the original amount, injected at an appropriate interval after primary immunization to sustain the immune response to that immunogen.curative dose (CD) a dose that is sufficient to restore normal health. See also median curative dose.divided dose fractionated dose. effective dose (ED) that quantity of a drug that will produce the effects for which it is administered. See also median effective dose.erythema dose that amount of radiation" >radiation that, when applied to the skin, causes erythema" >erythema (temporary reddening).fatal dose lethal dose.fractionated dose a fraction of the total dose prescribed, as of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to be given at intervals, usually during a 24-hour period.infective dose (ID) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will cause infection in susceptible subjects. See also median infective dose and tissue culture infective dose.lethal dose (LD) that quantity of an agent that will or may be sufficient to cause death. See also median lethal dose and minimum lethal dose.loading dose a dose of medication, often larger than subsequent doses, administered for the purpose of establishing a therapeutic level of the medication.maintenance dose the amount of a medication administered to maintain a desired level of the medication in the blood.maximum tolerated dose tolerance dose.maximum permissible dose the largest amount of ionizing radiation that one may safely receive within a specified period according to recommended limits in current radiation protection guides. The specific amounts vary with age and circumstance.median curative dose (CD50) a dose that abolishes symptoms in 50 per cent of test subjects.median effective dose (ED50) a dose that produces the desired effect in 50 per cent of a population.median infective dose (ID50) that amount of pathogenic microorganisms that will produce demonstrable infection in 50 per cent of the test subjects.median lethal dose (LD50) the quantity of an agent that will kill 50 per cent of the test subjects; in radiology, the amount of radiation that will kill, within a specified period, 50 per cent of individuals in a large group or population.median tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will produce infection in 50 per cent of cell cultures inoculated.minimum lethal dose 1. the amount of toxin that will just kill an experimental animal.2. the smallest quantity of diphtheria toxin that will kill a guinea pig of 250-gm weight in 4 to 5 days when injected subcutaneously.reference dose an estimate of the daily exposure to a substance for humans that is assumed to be without appreciable risk; it is calculated using the level" >no observed adverse effect level and is more conservative than the older margin of safety.skin dose (SD) 1. the air dose of radiation at the skin surface, comprising the primary radiation plus backscatter.2. the absorbed dose in the skin.threshold dose the minimum dose of ionizing radiation, a chemical, or a drug that will produce a detectable degree of any given effect.threshold erythema dose (TED) the single skin dose that will produce, in 80 per cent of those tested, a faint but definite erythema within 30 days, and in the other 20 per cent, no visible reaction.tissue culture infective dose (TCID) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will produce infection when inoculated on tissue cultures; used with a numeric qualifier.tolerance dose the largest quantity of an agent that may be administered without harm. Called also maximum tolerated dose.


Abbreviation for effective dose; ethyldichloroarsine; eating disorders , under disorder; emergency department; erectile dysfunction.


abbr.1. effective dose2. election district3. erectile dysfunction


Abbreviation for:
early death
early discharge
eating disorder
ectodermal dysplasia
efferent ductules
electron diffraction
elimination diet
embryonic disk
emergency department (A&E) 
end diastolic
endogenous depression
erectile dysfunction
excretory duct
extracellular domain


Abbreviation for erectile dysfunction;effective dose.


Abbreviation for eating disorders; effective dose.

Patient discussion about ED

Q. Does Viagra have any side effects? My boyfriend started taking Viagra and now he has headaches. Could this be caused by the Viagra?A. Yes, headaches are a side effect of Viagra. Other common side effects are facial flushing, upset stomach and a temporary bluish vision. If this persists, he should consult his Doctor.

Q. What are the risks of taking Viagra? Are there any risks in taking Viagra in the long term?A. The US Food and Drug Administration identified 50 men with blindness who have taken Viagra, but who also had diabetes and heart disease, which is known to cause blindness. Therefore, it is not certain if it was caused directly from the Viagra.
The FDA informed healthcare professionals in October, 2007 that drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction, including Viagra, may increase risk of sudden hearing loss.

More discussions about ED


EDUS Department of Education
EDEdit (IBM)
EDEvery Day
EDEmergency Department
EDExecutive Director
EDEngineering Design
EDEngineering Department (US Army, circa 1900)
EDEconomic Development
EDEnvironmental Design
EDEnvironmental Defense
EDExposure Draft
EDEffective Date
EDElectronic Discovery (law)
EDEating Disorder
EDEvil Dead (game)
EDErectile Dysfunction
EDEastern Division
EDEarly Detection
EDEmily Dickinson
EDEdison (conglomerate of power companies)
EDExtra-Low Dispersion (glass)
EDEvent Driven (simulation method)
EDEmotional Disturbance
EDEminent Domain
EDEmotionally Disturbed
EDEnforcement Division
EDEarly Death (oncology)
EDEarly Dismissal
EDEffective Dose
EDEngineering Data
EDEmotional Disability
EDEnumeration District
EDEnforcement Directorate (India)
EDElectric Dipole (physics)
EDEarly Decision
EDEntertainment District
EDEuropean Delivery (cars)
EDEndocrine Disruptor
EDEqually Distributed
EDEric Dickerson (ex-NFL player)
EDEngineering Development
EDEternal Darkness (video game)
EDExposure Duration
EDEncyclopedia Dramatica
EDÉcole Doctorale (French: Graduate School)
EDEvolutionary Development
EDEvaluation Directive (US DoD)
EDExcise Duty
EDEdge Distance
EDExternal Device
EDElectron Diffraction
EDEuropean Directive
EDEn Dergelijke (Dutch: et cetera)
EDEmergency Dispatch
EDEnzymatic Digestion
EDExplosives Detection
EDEarly Deployment
EDEmployment Date
EDElectrical Discharge (metal machining process)
EDEx Dividend
EDEngine Down (band)
EDError Detecting
EDEquipment Description (Bell System)
EDEngineering Demonstration (Synthetic Theater of War program)
EDEctodermal Dysplasias
EDEdge Detector
EDExtensor Digitorum
EDErectile Difficulties
EDEnvelope Delay (US DoD)
EDEpileptiform Discharge
EDExecutive Directive
EDExplosive Diarrhea
EDExploratory Development
EDExplosive Decompression (rapid expansion of gas in elastomeric seals)
EDEmotional Dysregulation
EDExpedited Data
EDEmergency Director
EDEphemeris Data
EDEnhanced Damage (Diablo game)
EDExperiences and Directions (OWL workshop)
EDEuropean Dialogue (human rights group; UK)
EDEstrutura de Dados
EDEnding Delimiter
EDExempt From Duty
EDEnterprise Dynamics (decision support tool)
EDEnergy Delay
EDExit Distance (US DoD)
EDEdge Density
EDExploitation and Development
EDEnforcement Droid (Robocop)
EDErase Display
EDExcused from Duty
EDEmergency Decontamination
EDEuclidean Domain
EDEmbarkation Depot
EDError Density
EDExtra-High Density
EDEfficiency Decoration
EDEmergency Destruction
EDElectronic Deception
EDEncephalomyelitis disseminata (multiple sclerosis)
EDEuro Deli (Montreal, QB, Canada restaurant)
EDElectron Domain
EDElbow-Disarticulation (amputation)
EDElectrical Differential
EDElectronic Detention (parole)
EDEye-Protective Device
EDExhaust Damper
EDEar Diameter (corn)
EDExplosives Development
EDEuropean Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean
EDEnigma Designs
EDExperiment Driver
EDElectrostatic Death (band)
EDEmbryonation Day
EDEngineer Directives (USACE)
EDEffective Date Unit Enters Federal Active Duty
EDExotic Dancing/Dancer
EDElectronic Distancer
EDEvolutionary Distinctiveness (scoring system used by Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE))
EDDefinitive Orbital Element
EDElectronics Lock Deck


  • noun

Synonyms for ED

noun impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis


  • erectile dysfunction
  • male erecticle dysfunction

Related Words

  • impotence
  • impotency
  • disfunction
  • dysfunction




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