- (my) mama didn't raise no dummy
- (my) momma didn't raise no dummy
- (not) care a fig
- (not) care two hoots
- (not) give a fig
- (not) give a toss
- (not) give two hoots
- bat an eyelash
- bat an eyelid
- care a whit
- didn't care a whit
- didn't care too hard
- didn't exchange more than three words with
- didn't exchange more than three words with (one)
- didn't invent gunpowder
- don't have a pot to piss in (or a window to throw it out of)
- don't know beans
- don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
- I didn't (quite) catch that
- I didn't (quite) catch that (last) remark
- I didn't catch that remark. and I didn't get that.; I didn't hear you
- I didn't catch the name, and I didn't catch your name
- I didn't catch your name
- I didn't get that
- My mama didn’t raise no dummy
- not agree with (someone or something)
- not amount to a hill of beans
- not bat an eye
- not bat an eyelash
- not bat an eyelid
- not budge an inch
- not care twopence
- not come cheap
- not do a hand's turn
- not do a lot for (someone)
- not do a stroke (of work)
- not do anything for (someone)
- not do much for (someone)
- not feel (oneself)
- not get a wink of sleep
- not give (a) tuppence
- not give a damn
- not give an inch
- not give twopence
- not have a clue
- not have a leg to stand on
- not have a penny
- not have a pot to piss in
- not have a red cent
- not have a stitch of clothes (one)
- not have a stitch of clothing (one)
- not have a stitch on
- not have a/the ghost of a chance
- not have all (one's) marbles
- not have all day
- not have much between the ears
- not have the heart
- not have two brain cells to rub together
- not have two nickels to rub together
- not have two pennies to rub together
- not hold a candle to (someone or something)
- not hold a stick to (someone or something)
- not hold water
- not hold with (something)
- not know (any) better
- not know (one's) own strength
- not know (someone) from a bar of soap
- not know enough to come in out of the rain
- not know from nothing
- not know what to make of (someone or something)
- not know where to look
- not know where to put (oneself)
- not know where to turn
- not know whether (one) is coming or going
- not know which end is up
- not know which way to look
- not know which way to turn
- not let (someone) catch (one) (doing something)
- not matter tuppence
- not matter twopence
- not mean any offense
- not miss (something) for the world
- not move a muscle
- not move an inch
- not open (one's) mouth
- not say boo (to anyone)
- not see any objection
- not set foot in (some place)
- not shed a tear
- not sit comfortably (with one)
- not sit easily (with one)
- not sit well (with one)
- not sleep a wink
- not so much as (do something)
- not take (something) lightly
- not tell a soul
- not think much of (someone or something)
- not think of (doing something)
- not think of (something)
- not touch a drop
- sit right (with one)
- take a blind bit of notice
- too long; didn't read