

单词 cdo



abbr. collateralized debt obligation


abbreviation for (Banking & Finance) collateralized debt obligation



(1) (Chief Digital Officer) The executive responsible for the customer-facing aspects of IT in an organization. Responsibilities include user interfaces, mobile applications and social media integration. If both chief digital officers (CDOs) and chief technical officers (CTOs) exist within a company, the CDO deals with the front end of the business (what the user sees) and the CTO handles back-end processing and infrastructure. See CTO and CIO.

(2) (Collaborative Data Objects) A programming interface from Microsoft for accessing MAPI-based email, calendaring and scheduling servers. Originally called "OLE Messaging" and "Active Messaging," CDO wraps the Extended MAPI library into a COM object. Starting with Outlook 2007 and Exchange Server 2007, CDO was no longer part of the install package and had to be downloaded separately. See COM.

CDONTS (CDO for NT Server) is the SMTP version of CDO. It is used to send text email and HTML-based email from ASP pages.



Abbreviation for:
Chief Dental Officer (Medspeak-UK)
Chief Diversity Officer
chronic duodenal obstruction
congenital duodenal obstruction



See: Collateralized Debt Obligation.

Collateralized Debt Obligation

An asset-backed security backed by the receivables on loans, bonds, or other debt. Banks package and sell their receivables on debt to investors in order to reduce the risk of loss due to default. Returns on CDOs are paid in tranches; that is, the individual loans backing each CDO have different levels of risk, and investors are paid out according to the level of risk they have acquired. Banks offer higher interest rates to investors willing to buy CDOs backed by higher-risk loans. From a bank's perspective, in addition to reducing risk, CDOs also reduce their capital requirements because they can raise funds through the issue of CDOs. While, theoretically, CDOs can be backed by mortgages, one usually refers to these as collateralized mortgage obligations.


See collateralized debt obligation.


CDOCagayan de Oro (Philippines)
CDOCollaboration Data Objects (Microsoft)
CDOCollateralized Debt Obligation
CDOChief Digital Officer (various organizations)
CDOChief Data Officer (various companies)
CDOCompagnia Delle Opere
CDOChief Development Officer (corporate title)
CDOCareer Development Opportunities (various organizations)
CDOCommon Data Object
CDOCollaborative Data Object
CDOClear Data Overrun
CDOChief District Officer (Nepal)
CDOContinuous Descent Operation (various locations)
CDOCentral Dense Overcast (meteorology)
CDOCommand Duty Officer
CDOChild Development Organization (Pakistan)
CDOConseil des Ombres (French: Shadow Council; gaming)
CDOCommunity Development Organization
CDOCommunity Dial Office
CDOCommunity Development Office
CDOCentrale des Opticiens (French: Central Opticians)
CDOChromosome Deletion Outreach, Inc
CDOCare Delivery Organization (healthcare)
CDOControlled Decomposition/Oxidation
CDOCompulsive Disorder of Obsessiveness
CDOCapital Defender Office
CDOCompressed Day Off (various organizations)
CDOCentre de Danses Orientales (French: Oriental Dance Center)
CDOCome da Oggetto (Italian: As Per Subject)
CDOClergy Deployment Office(r)
CDOControlling DoD (Department of Defense) Office (US DoD)
CDOCentral Dispatching Organization
CDOCommunications Duty Officer
CDOCentral Documentation Office
CDOCivil Defense Office
CDOCarbon Doped silicon Oxide
CDOCentral Disbursing Officer
CDOChild Development Officer
CDOChicago District Office
CDOChief Disciplinary Officer (prisons)
CDOCorneodermatoosseous Syndrome
CDOCustomer Direct Order
CDOCommercial Development Office
CDOConstruction Development/Design Office
CDOChange Design Order
CDOCommunity Development Organizer
CDOControl Document Officer
CDOConsent Dismissal Order (Canadian courts)
CDOContested & Degraded Operations (US Air Force)
CDOConstrained Distortion Optimal
CDOChange Data Order
CDOClassified Documents Officer
CDOCoaxial Digital Output
CDOCommunity Development Outline
CDOCallable Debt Obligation




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