Acronym | Definition |
CDME➣Certified Destination Management Executive (IACVB) |
CDME➣Cellule Départementale de Maintien dans l’Emploi |
CDME➣Commercial Driver Medical Examiner |
CDME➣Centre Dépannage Manutention Entretien |
CDME➣Cadres de Direction Multi-Employeurs |
CDME➣Centro de Diagnóstico Marcos Enrietti |
CDME➣Collaborative Device Modeling Environment |
CDME➣Corne Dorsale de la Moelle Épinière |
CDME➣Community Dynamics and Microbial Ecology |
CDME➣Centre for Dynamic Modelling in Economics |
CDME➣Cystine Dimethyl Ester |
CDME➣Chronic Disease Management and Education |
CDME➣Código Disciplinar dos Militares Estaduais |