Debre, Robert


Robert, French pediatrician and bacteriologist, 1882-1978. Debré phenomenon - in measles, the failure of the rash to develop at the site of immune serum injection.Debré-De Toni-Fanconi syndrome - Synonym(s): Fanconi syndrome (2)Debré-Fibiger syndrome - pyloric pseudospasm causing vomiting and dehydration and which can lead to death. Synonym(s): Fibiger-Debré-von Gierke syndrome; Pirie syndromeDebré-Marie syndrome - (1) infectious edematous polyneuropathy; - (2) dwarfism and underdevelopment of sexual organs.Debré-Semelaigne syndrome - Synonym(s): Kocher-Debré-Semelaigne syndromeFibiger-Debré-von Gierke syndrome - Synonym(s): Debré-Fibiger syndromeKocher-Debré-Semelaigne syndrome - see under Kocher