Bronius Pranskus
Pranskus, Bronius
(pseudonym of Vaclovas Anskaitis; second pseudonym, Žalionis). Born Sept. 28 (Oct. 11), 1902, in the village of Juodupenai, now in Vilkaviŝkis Raion; died May 7, 1964, in Vilnius. Soviet literary scholar. Honored Scientist of the Lithuanian SSR (1962). Member of the CPSU from 1927.
Pranskus began publishing in 1917. During bourgeois rule he was persecuted for revolutionary activity. In 1923 he left for the USSR. He wrote works on the development of Lithuanian proletarian literature and was one of the authors of the History of Lithuanian Literature (vols. 1–3, 1957–65).
Artimieji toliai. Vilnius, 1962.Proletarinė lietuvių literature. Vilnius, 1964.
Laikas ir literatūra. Vilnius, 1973.