clear cell

clear cell

1. a cell in which the cytoplasm appears empty with the light microscope, as occurs in certain secretory cells of eccrine sweat glands and in the parathyroid glands when the glycogen is unstained; 2. any cell, particularly a neoplastic one, containing abundant glycogen or other material that is not stained by hematoxylin or eosin, so that the cell cytoplasm is very pale in routinely stained sections.

clear cell

(klîr)n. A cell, especially a neoplastic one, containing abundant glycogen or other material that is not stained by hematoxylin or eosin, so that the cytoplasm appears clear histologically.
A finely vacuolated, cholesterol-filled cell with central dark nuclei, which is arranged in clusters and located in the midzone or zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. Clear cells are the major reservoir for glucocorticoid and sex hormone production when the adrenal gland is stressed

clear cell

(klēr sel) 1. A cell in which the cytoplasm appears empty with the light microscope, as occurs in certain secretory cells of eccrine sweat glands and in the parathyroid glands when the glycogen is unstained; 2. Any cell, particularly a neoplastic one, containing abundant glycogen or other material that is not stained by hematoxylin or eosin, so that the cell cytoplasm is very pale in routinely stained sections.