Acronym | Definition |
AUS➣Australia |
AUS➣Austria |
AUS➣American University of Sharjah |
AUS➣Abdominal Ultrasound |
AUS➣Arbeiten Unter Spannung (German: Work under Stress) |
AUS➣Army of the United States |
AUS➣Assistant Under Secretary of State |
AUS➣Apple User Service |
AUS➣Access Units |
AUS➣Auto Update Server |
AUS➣Annual of Urdu Studies (journal) |
AUS➣Automated Underwriting System (banking/loans/finance) |
AUS➣Association of University Staff |
AUS➣Artificial Urinary Sphincter |
AUS➣Are You Serious? |
AUS➣Arts Undergraduate Society |
AUS➣Authority Services |
AUS➣Auto Update Server (Cisco) |
AUS➣American Uveitis Society (ophthalmology; est. 1990) |
AUS➣Arcadis United States (Highlands Ranch, CO) |
AUS➣Acute Urethral Syndrome |
AUS➣Advanced Underwriting Service (National Underwriter Co.) |
AUS➣Architecture, Urbanisme, Société (French: Architecture, Planning, Society; est. 2009) |
AUS➣Austin, TX, USA - Austin Bergstrom International (Airport Code, formerly Robert Mueller Municipal Airport) |
AUS➣Advanced Upper Stage |
AUS➣Associate of the University of Surrey (UK) |
AUS➣Atlantic Universities Sport (Canadian group) |
AUS➣Automated Uncoupling System (railroad) |
AUS➣Augusta and Summerville Railroad Company |