Dubiago, Aleksandr

Dubiago, Aleksandr Dmitrievich


Born Dec. 5 (18), 1903, in Kazan; died there Oct. 29, 1959. Soviet astronomer and specialist in theoretical astronomy.

Dubiago graduated from the University of Kazan in 1925 and was a professor there from 1944; he was the son of D. I. Dubiago. He investigated the motion of comets (Brooks, Daniel, and others) and the problem of the structure and disintegration of comets, the nuclei of which he considered to consist of a multitude of minute particles that become denser toward the center. He wrote a monograph on the determination of the orbits of the lesser bodies of the solar system. Dubiago wrote a number of works in geodesy, gravimetry, and the history of astronomy.


“O nekotorykh voprosakh dvizheniia, struktury i raspada komet,” parts 1-2. Astronomicheskii zhurnal, 1942, vol. 19, issues 1-3.
“O vekovom uskorenii dvizheniia periodicheskikh komet.” Ibid., 1948, vol. 25, issue 6.
“O stroenii kometnykh iader i obrazovanii meteornykh potokov.” Ibid., 1950, vol. 27, issue 1.
Opredelenia orbit. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.