Aurora County
Aurora County, South Dakota
Plankinton, SD 57368
Phone: (605) 942-7165
Fax: (605) 942-7170
In south-central SD, west of Sioux Falls; created Feb 22, 1879 and organized 1882 (prior to statehood) from land that had been parts of Hanson County (what was later Davison, Jerauld and Cragin counties). Name Origin: For the Roman goddess of dawn
Area (sq mi):: 712.53 (land 708.18; water 4.35) Population per square mile: 4.10
Population 2005: 2,901 State rank: 49 Population change: 2000-20005 -5.10%; 1990-2000 -2.50% Population 2000: 3,058 (White 95.10%; Black or African American 0.30%; Hispanic or Latino 2.10%; Asian 0.10%; Other 3.90%). Foreign born: 1.50%. Median age: 40.60
Income 2000: per capita $13,887; median household $29,783; Population below poverty level: 11.40% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,417-$28,178
Unemployment (2004): 3.60% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.20% Median travel time to work: 19.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 30.10%
See other counties in South Dakota.