

单词 cdl



(1)Computer Definition anguage. A hardwaredescription language. "Computer Organisation andMicroprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970.


(2)Command Definition Language. Portion of ICES used toimplement commands. Sammet 1969, p.618-620.


(3)Compiler Description Language. C.H.A. Koster, 1969.Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammarby recursive procedures. A procedure may be a set oftree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executeduntil one successfully exits. Used in a portable COBOL-74compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephistochess computer. "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", inMethods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster,LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351. "Using the CDL CompilerCompiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974. Versions: CDL2, CDLM used atManchester.


(4)Common Design Language. "Common Design Language", IBM,Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983.


(5)Control Definition Language. Ideas which contributed toSmalltalk.

["Control Structures for Programming Languges", DavidA. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].


CDLCommercial Driver's License
CDLCalifornia Digital Library
CDLCarbondale (Amtrak station code; Carbondale, IL)
CDLCenter for Distributed Learning (Rohnert Park, CA)
CDLCenter for Distance Learning (Georgia Tech)
CDLCriminal Defense Lawyers (various locations)
CDLCasa Delle Libertà (Italian political party)
CDLCannon Beach (Amtrak station code; Cannon Beach, OR)
CDLCommunity Development Lending (various organizations)
CDLColor Decision List (American Society of Cinematographers; video production)
CDLCropland Data Layer (USDA)
CDLCareer Development Loan
CDLCommon Data Link
CDLCollège du Léman (Swiss international boarding school; Geneva, Switzerland)
CDLComma Delimited
CDLComparative Data Language
CDLComponent Life Design
CDLCommon Dialog Library
CDLCompatibility Disk Layout
CDLCommunity Disaster Loan (US FEMA)
CDLCalifornia Drivers License
CDLChild Development Laboratory
CDLCollaborative Deep Learning
CDLCuneiform Digital Library (global cooperation; Ancient Near East)
CDLClinical Diagnostic Laboratory
CDLCanadian Defence Lawyers
CDLCentre de Langues (French: Language Center; various locations)
CDLComputer Design Language
CDLComité Départemental de Libération (French: Departmental Committee of Liberation)
CDLClandestine Drug Laboratory (law enforcement)
CDLCollaborative Digital Library
CDLCommunity Development Library (Bangladesh)
CDLConstruction Defect Litigation
CDLConfiguration Deviation List
CDLComponent Definition Language
CDLCentral Door Locking
CDLChina Digital Library
CDLContrat à Durée Limitée (French: Fixed Term Contract)
CDLComputer Description Language
CDLCornell Design League (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)
CDLChemisch Dispuut Leiden (Dutch student organization)
CDLColorado Department of Labor
CDLComité de Développement Local (French: Local Development Committee)
CDLCanal Defense Light (British WWII weapon)
CDLCandlestick chart (bar-chart often used in Forex trading)
CDLCommon Download (OpenCable interface)
CDLConverged Data Link
CDLChart Definition Language
CDLConstraint Definition Language
CDLCollectif Démocratie et Libertés (French: Collective Democracy and Freedom)
CDLCentro di Lavoro (Italian: Job Center)
CDLCroix des Landes (French audiobook company)
CDLComptoir des Lumières (French lighting company)
CDLCircuit Description Language
CDLCrossed Delay Line
CDLCorneal Dystrophy, Lattice
CDLCentral Dental Laboratories
CDLCloud Detection Lidar
CDLControlled Document List
CDLC. D. Leet (early ammunition headstamp)
CDLCabin Discrepancy Log
CDLCrossing Department Lines
CDLCoded Digital Locator (wireless communication)
CDLCargo Data Logger
CDLCellulose de la Loire (French packaging company)
CDLConfiguration Drawing List
CDLCapacitance Driven Layout
CDLCentral Data Library
CDLCorpswide Distribution List (USACE)
CDLContractual Detection Limit
CDLCosmic Dust Lab (NASA)
CDLConfiguration Data List
CDLConcepts, Doctrine, and Literature
CDLContract Distribution List
CDLCritical Deviation List
CDLContract Deficiency Listing
CDLCanine Defense League (UK)




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