Brompton cocktail

Bromp·ton cock·tail

a cocktail of morphine and cocaine usually used for analgesia in terminal cancer patients; the formulations vary, but typically it contains 15 mg of morphine hydrochloride and 10 mg of cocaine hydrochloride per 10 mL of the cocktail. [Brompton Chest Hospital, London, England, where developed]

Brompton cocktail

An oral analgesic mixture of morphine, heroin, cocaine, chloroform, ethyl alcohol and flavoured syrup, first used in the 1920s at the Royal Brompton Chest Hospital in London for patients with tuberculosis. It was subsequently repurposed and genericised, and refers to any alcoholic solution containing an opioid (heroin or morphine) and either cocaine and/or a phenothiazine to improve the quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients.

Bromp·ton cock·tail

(bromp'tŏn kok'tāl) A cocktail of morphine and cocaine usually used for analgesia in terminal cancer patients; formulations vary but typically contain 15 mg of morphine hydrochoride and 10 mg of cocaine hydrochloride per 10 mL of the cocktail. [Brompton Chest Hospital, London, England, where developed]

Brompton cocktail

A mixture of alcohol, morphine and cocaine given for intractable pain in terminally ill people, especially those dying of cancer. The mixture was evolved at the Brompton Hospital, London.


name of a hospital in London. Brompton cocktail - analgesic drink given to terminal cancer patients.