

单词 cdf



abbreviation for (Statistics) cumulative distribution function



Common Data Format. A library and toolkit formulti-dimensional data sets.


(1) (Central Distribution Frame) A connecting unit (typically a hub) that acts as a central distribution point to all the nodes in a zone or domain. See MDF.

(2) (Channel Definition Format) The XML file format used in Microsoft's earlier push technology. See Active Channel.



ISO 4217 code for the Congolese franc. It was issued in 1997 when Zaire became the Democratic Republic of the Congo (not to be confused with the Republic of the Congo). The franc replaced the new zaire.


CDFChannel Definition Format (Microsoft)
CDFComma Delimited Format (filename extension)
CDFCAN (Controller Area Network) Data Frame
CDFCumulative Distribution Function (probabilities, statistics)
CDFChildren's Defense Fund
CDFCoupe de France (French: French Cup; association football competition)
CDFCalifornia Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
CDFCommunity Development Foundation
CDFCongolese Franc (currency of Congo-Kinshasa)
CDFCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (religious organization)
CDFCollider Detector at Fermilab
CDFCroisières de France (French: Cruises of France; Royal Caribbean)
CDFCommon Data Format
CDFComprehensive Development Framework
CDFConstituency Development Fund
CDFCharles Darwin Foundation (Ecuador)
CDFConcurrent Design Facility (European Space Agency)
CDFCommunity Development Fund
CDFConfined Disposal Facility
CDFCustom Defined Function
CDFComma Delimited Format
CDFChannel Definition Format
CDFCumulative Distribution Function
CDFContext Dependent File
CDFComposite Display Flag
CDFCutoff Decrease Factor
CDFChandra Deep Field (satellite image)
CDFCooperative Development Foundation
CDFComité des Fêtes (French: Festival Committee)
CDFCumulative Density Function (probability theory)
CDFChurch Development Fund
CDFCeliac Disease Foundation
CDFCorporate Design Foundation
CDFCurrency Declaration Form (India)
CDFChief of Defence Force (various armed forces)
CDFCultural Development Fund (Ministry of Culture, Egypt)
CDFCareer Development Facilitator
CDFChiru (SIL code, India)
CDFCore Damage Frequency
CDFConfiguration Data File (computing)
CDFCollège de France (French: College of France)
CDFCharbonnages de France (French: Coal Mines in France; trade organization)
CDFCivil Defense Force
CDFCapital Development Fund (UN)
CDFCredit and Development Forum
CDFConstructional Data Form (manufacturing)
CDFChirurgien Dentiste de France (French: Dental Surgeon in France)
CDFControlled Density Fill (concrete)
CDFColonial Defense Force
CDFClub Dinky France (French die-cast toy club)
CDFCyberspace Description Format
CDFCompound Document Framework
CDFCustom Data Field
CDFCharging Data Function
CDFChlorinated Dibenzofuran
CDFChrétiens Démocrates Francophones (Belgium)
CDFCadmium Fluoride
CDFCo-Operative Development Foundation (Canada)
CDFCentral Detention Facility (various Department of Corrections and Prisons)
CDFCohen-Daubechies-Feauveau (wavelet families)
CDFComputing Disciplines Facility
CDFCorporate Directors Forum
CDFCombined Distribution Frame
CDFCarlton DiSante & Freudenberger (law firm; California)
CDFCommission des Finances
CDFCampaign Drug Free
CDFCargo Deployment Function
CDFChild Development & Family
CDFConservation and Development Forum
CDFCross-Disciplinary Fellowship (various organizations)
CDFComponent Description Format
CDFCenter for the Digital Future (USC Annenberg School for Communication; Los Angeles, CA)
CDFCzech Donors Forum (Czech Republic)
CDFConsumer Direct Fulfillment
CDFCombat Direction Finding
CDFCornwall Disability Forum
CDFCell Development and Function
CDFCongo Defense Fund
CDFCanadian Dermatology Foundation
CDFClinical Disputes Forum
CDFConfined Detonating Fuse
CDFCapabilities Declaration Form (HDMI testing)
CDFCú de Ferro
CDFChemical Dictionary File
CDFCarta de los Derechos Fundamentales (de la Unión Europea)
CDFCircus Day Foundation
CDFChemical-Agent Disposal Facility
CDFCatalog Data Format
CDFCadmium Free
CDFCustomer Damage Function
CDFConservative Discussion Forum
CDFCheshire Disabilities Federation
CDFCercle Dramatique Français (French: French Drama Group)
CDFCombined Disposal Facility
CDFCircuit Design Fabrication (NASA)
CDFCompetitiveness Development Fund (UK)
CDFCortina d'Ampezzo Fiames Italy (airport code)
CDFCharlottesville Downtown Foundation
CDFCentral Data Facility
CDFCable Distribution Frame (NASA)
CDFCross Domain Facility
CDFChildren's Dream Foundation
CDFCommittees for the Defence of Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms (Syria)
CDFCool-Down Facility (NASA)
CDFCanine Defense Fund
CDFContractor Development Facility
CDFClimatisation Diffusion Filtration (French: Air Conditioning Diffusion Filtering)
CDFCognitive Dimensions Framework
CDFComponent Definition File (filename extension)
CDFCore DIS Facility
CDFCommunications Data Field
CDFConfined Detonating Fuze
CDFCentral Destruction Facility
CDFCommunications Data Formatter
CDFCircuito Diretto Fonia
CDFCorellian Defence Forces (Star Wars)
CDFColorado Drug Formulary
CDFClassified Destruction Facility
CDFChemical Demilitarization Facility
CDFCrash Dump Facility
CDFClass Determination and Findings
CDFCold Dead Fish, Inc.
CDFCable Distribution Facility
CDFController Development Facility
CDFCharge Directional Fragmentation (Mine; weapons)
CDFComplexity Distortion Function
CDFComputer Derived Format
CDFCurrent Divider Formula (electronics)
CDFCapabilities Development Framework
CDFCost Documentation Format
CDFCorneal Dystrophy Foundation (San Jose, CA; est. 1998)
CDFConnaissance et Découverte de la France (French: Knowledge and Discovery of France; animation company)
CDFcontinuous discount factor




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