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bromidrosiphobiaan abnormal fear of having an unpleasant body odor.See also: Cleanlinessbromidrosiphobia
bro·mi·dro·si·pho·bi·a (brō'mi-drō'si-fō'bē-ă), Morbid fear of giving forth a bad odor from the body, sometimes with the belief that such an odor is present. [bromidrosis + G. phobos, fear] bromidrosiphobia (1) Morbid fear of body smells in general. (2) Morbid fear that one’s own body odours are offensive.bromidrosiphobia (brō″mĭ-drō-sĭ-fō′bē-ă) [″ + hidros, sweat, + phobos, fear] An abnormal fear of personal odors, accompanied by hallucinations. |