

单词 bdi



Abbreviation for Beck Depression Inventory.



SEE: Baltic Dry Index


GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Burundi. The code is used for transactions to and from Burundian bank accounts and for international shipping to Burundi. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


BDIBeck Depression Inventory
BDIBurundi (ISO Country code)
BDIBelief-Desire-Intention (AI agents)
BDIBaltic Dry Index
BDIBiblioteca Digitale Italiana (Italian: Italian Digital Library)
BDIBasic Driver Improvement (traffic school)
BDIBerufsverband Deutscher Internisten (German: Professional Association of German Internists)
BDIBackground Debug Interface
BDIBisbee-Douglas International Airport (Arizona)
BDIBashkimi Demokratik për Integrim (Albanian: Democratic Union for Integration)
BDIBattelle Developmental Inventory (Houghton Mifflin Company)
BDIBrand Development Index
BDIBehavioral Diabetes Institute (San Diego, CA)
BDIBureau de Documentation et d'Information (French: Bureau of Documentation and Information)
BDIBattery Discharge Indicator
BDIBaseline Dyspnea Index (respiratory medicine)
BDIBi-Directional Isolation (computing)
BDIBibliothèque de Droit International (French: Library of International Law; University of Paris)
BDIBi-Directional Interface
BDIBillion Dollar Idea
BDIBoth Dates Inclusive
BDIBretagne Développement Initiatives (French: Brittany Development Initiatives; Brittany, France)
BDIBundesverband der Deutschen Industrie eV (German: Federation of German Industries)
BDIBackward Defect Indication
BDIBlood Diagnostics Inc (Irmo, SC)
BDIBizeray Deleuse Immobilier (French real estate agency)
BDIBlack Digital Interface
BDIBearing Deviation Indicator
BDIBomb Damage Indication
BDIBattle Damage Indicator
BDIBulk Drug Intermediate (pharmaceuticals)
BDIBibliothèque Départementale de l'Isère (French library)
BDIBehavioral Descriptive Interviewing
BDIBarden Development Inc (Las Vegas, NV)
BDIBleeding Disorders Info
BDIBackground Debugging Interface
BDIBhutan Development Index (Centre for Bhutan Studies)
BDIBank Descriptor Index
BDIBalkans Digitization Initiative
BDIBeach Discharge Lighter
BDIBlast Door Interlock
BDIBeginners Discussion Initiative (gaming clan)
BDIBusiness Data Integration
BDIBourse de Doctorat pour Ingénieurs (French: Doctorate Scholarship for Engineers)
BDIBalanced Differential Input (focal plane arrays)
BDIBobinage dans l'Industrie (French electrical repair company)
BDIBipolar Data Interface (Alcatel)
BDIBusiness Decisions International Pty Ltd (Australia)
BDIBachelier en Design Industriel (Bachelor of Industrial Design)
BDIBusiness Diversity Institute, Inc. (Portland, OR)




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