elliptical recess of bony labyrinth

el·lip·ti·cal re·cess of bony labyrinth

[TA] an oval depression in the roof and inner wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth, lodging the utriculus. Synonym(s): recessus ellipticus labyrinthi ossei [TA], recessus utricularis labyrinthi ossei ☆ , utricular recess of bony labyrinth ☆ , fovea elliptica, fovea hemielliptica

el·lip·ti·cal re·cess of bon·y lab·y·rinth

(ē-lipti-kăl rēses bōnē labi-rinth) [TA] Oval depression in the roof and inner wall of vestibule of the labyrinth, lodging the utriculus.