Acronym | Definition |
CDD➣Conserved Domain Database |
CDD➣Consumer Due Diligence |
CDD➣Contrat A Duree Determinee (French: Fixed Term Contract) |
CDD➣Community Development Department |
CDD➣Customer Due Diligence |
CDD➣Community Driven Development |
CDD➣Cooling Degree Days (weather derivatives / insurance index converting temperature into prices) |
CDD➣Centre de Documentation (French: Documentation Center) |
CDD➣Community Development District |
CDD➣Conceptual Design Document |
CDD➣Commercial due Diligence |
CDD➣Center for Development and Disability (New Mexico) |
CDD➣Cervical Disc Disease |
CDD➣Cell Death and Differentiation |
CDD➣Centre for Disability in Development (Bangladesh) |
CDD➣Childhood Disintegrative Disorder |
CDD➣Center for Digital Democracy |
CDD➣Cern Drawing Directory |
CDD➣Component Domain Descriptor |
CDD➣Canonical Display Driver |
CDD➣Compact Disc Drive |
CDD➣Custom Design Document |
CDD➣Centre for Democracy and Development |
CDD➣Child Development Division |
CDD➣Capability Development Document |
CDD➣Cranky Doodle Donkey (My Little Pony) |
CDD➣Concentration Deficit Disorder (psychology) |
CDD➣Christian Domestic Discipline |
CDD➣Centre for Democratic Development (Ghana) |
CDD➣Cyclic Delay Diversity |
CDD➣Closed Door Discussion (Institute of Policy Studies) |
CDD➣Cidade de Deus (band) |
CDD➣Combined Degree of Disability (US VA) |
CDD➣Classification Décimale de Dewey (French: Dewey Decimal Classification) |
CDD➣Common Data Dictionary |
CDD➣Chlorinated Dibenzo p-Dioxin |
CDD➣Concept Developement Division (US Army) |
CDD➣Chronic Disease Directors |
CDD➣Construction & Demolition Debris (solid waste management term) |
CDD➣Control of Diarrhoeal Disease (WHO program) |
CDD➣Controlled Depth Drilling (technique) |
CDD➣Controlling Discharge Date (California) |
CDD➣Capabilities Development Directorate |
CDD➣Complete Discharge Device |
CDD➣Clostridium Difficile Diarrhoea |
CDD➣Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia |
CDD➣Catolicos por el Derecho a Decidir (Spanish: Catholics for the Right to Decide) |
CDD➣Contract Delivery Date |
CDD➣Component Design Document (now called Component Design Description) |
CDD➣Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (Spanish) |
CDD➣Certificate of Disability for Discharge |
CDD➣Coin Dealers Directory (UK) |
CDD➣Centro Dominicano de Desarrollo (Spanish) |
CDD➣Chlorodibenzodioxin |
CDD➣Course Descriptive Data |
CDD➣Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson (poles) |
CDD➣Code Division Duplex |
CDD➣Comité Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Committee) |
CDD➣Cargo Data Declaration Fee (customs; EU) |
CDD➣Content Discovery and Delivery |
CDD➣Cuban Democratic Directorate |
CDD➣Content Delivery and Distribution |
CDD➣Corporate Data Dictionary |
CDD➣Conventional Differential Detector |
CDD➣Collateral Damage Distance |
CDD➣Central Data Dictionary |
CDD➣Cabin Deferred Defect (aviation) |
CDD➣Caribbean Development Division |
CDD➣Common Data Descriptor |
CDD➣Central De-Ice Distributor |
CDD➣Component Design Description |
CDD➣Configuration Definition Document (US Navy) |
CDD➣Confirmed Delivery Date |
CDD➣Combat Definition Document |
CDD➣Coherent Differential Detection |
CDD➣Calculated Defect Density |
CDD➣Clock Difference Diagram (computer science) |
CDD➣Conceptual Design Decision |
CDD➣Crew Duty Day |
CDD➣Christ De Débile |