Death Valley National Park

Death Valley National Park

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National ParksAddress:PO Box 579
Death Valley, CA 92328

Size: 3,372,402 acres.
Established: Proclaimed on February 11, 1933. Designated a Biosphere Reserve in 1984. Name changed from Death Valley National Monument on October 31, 1994.
Location:In eastern California and southern Nevada. US 395 passes west of Death Valley and connects with CA 178 and CA 190 to the park. US 95 passes east and connects with NV 267, 374, and 373 to the park. I-15 passes southeast and connects with CA 127.
Facilities:Campgrounds (é), picnic area, rest rooms (é), lodges, groceries, restaurant/snacks, bicycle trail, bathhouse, visitor centers (é), museums/exhibits, self-guided tour/trail. Entrance fee required.
Activities:Camping, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, auto touring, swimming, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Death Valley is the largest national park unit outside of Alaska and includes more than 3 million acres of wilderness area. This large desert, nearly surrounded by high mountains, contains the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. The area includes Scotty's Castle, the grandiose home of a famous prospector, and other remnants of gold and borax mining.

See other parks in California.