

单词 cdc



abbr. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


abbreviation for 1. (in the US) Center for Disease Control 2. Commonwealth Development Corporation


Centers for Disease Control.
Noun1.CDC - a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services; located in Atlanta; investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)Center for Disease Control and PreventionDepartment of Health and Human Services, Health and Human Services, HHS - the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare; created in 1979bureau, federal agency, government agency, agency, office, authority - an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"Atlanta, capital of Georgia - state capital and largest city of Georgia; chief commercial center of the southeastern United States; was plundered and burned by Sherman's army during the American Civil War



Control Data Corporation


(1) See Control Data, century date change and Back Orifice.

(2) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA, www.cdc.gov) The U.S. government agency responsible for preventing and controlling contagious diseases. See healthcare IT.



 [sen´ter] 1. a point from which a process starts, especially a plexus or ganglion giving off nerves that control a function.2. nerve center.3. an agency or other site where services are offered to the public.accelerating center the vasomotor center in the brainstem involved in acceleration of heart action.apneustic center a nerve center in the brainstem controlling normal respiration.Broca's center Broca's motor speech area.cardioinhibitory center a vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata that exerts an inhibitory influence on the heart.cardiovascular control c's vasomotor centers.community mental health center (CMHC) a mental health facility or group of affiliated agencies that provide services to a designated catchment area.coughing center a nerve center in the medulla oblongata, situated above the respiratory center, which controls the act of coughing.deglutition center a nerve center in the medulla oblongata that controls swallowing.detente center a residential care center of the kinlein type, using the esca theory of moving as the basis for the staff's actions to maintain the independence of residents who are experiencing lessened physical or mental capacity.C's for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services whose headquarters is in Atlanta, Georgia. It is concerned with all phases of control of communicable, vector-borne, and occupational diseases and with the prevention of disease, injury, and disability. Its responsibilities include epidemiology, surveillance, detection, laboratory science, ecological investigations, training, disease control methods, chronic disease prevention, health promotion, and injury prevention and control. Its major tasks include the licensing of qualified clinical laboratories for interstate commerce, maintenance of laboratories as reference centers for microorganisms and infectious diseases, and operation of extensive research programs in the prevention, detection and control of disease. The CDC's name has changed several times to reflect its expanding role; it has been called the Communicable Disease Center (1946), the Center for Disease Control (1970), and the Centers for Disease Control (1980). The latest name change, enacted by Congress in 1992, reflects the expansion of the scope of the CDC's mission to include health promotion and education. Because of the widespread recognition of the acronym CDC, that acronym continues to be used by the agency. The mailing address of the CDC is Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, and the website is http://www.cdc.gov.ejaculation center a reflex center in the lumbar spinal cord that regulates ejaculation of semen during sexual stimulation.erection center a reflex center in the sacral spinal cord that regulates erection of the penis or clitoris. Called also genital center.feeding center a group of cells in the lateral hypothalamus that when stimulated cause a sensation of hunger; called also hunger center.genital center erection center.germinal center the area in the center of a lymph node containing aggregations of actively proliferating lymphocytes.health center 1. a community health organization providing ambulatory health care and referrals to appropriate service agencies, and coordinating the efforts of all health agencies.2. an educational complex consisting of a medical college, nursing college, and various allied health professional schools.heat-regulating c's thermoregulatory centers.hunger center feeding center.medullary respiratory center the nerve center in the medulla oblongata that coordinates respiratory movements.micturition c's a nerve center controlling the bladder and inhibiting the tension of the vesical sphincter, situated in the lumbar enlargement.nerve center a collection of nerve cells in the central nervous system that are associated together in the performance of some particular function, such as a area" >primary area or an area" >association area.nursing center a site where public health or primary care services, including patient education, assessment, and screening and preventive services are provided and managed by registered nurses.center of ossification any point in bones at which ossification begins.pneumotaxic center a nerve center in the upper pons that rhythmically inhibits inhalation.poison center (poison control center) see poison control center.rectovesical center a reflex center in the spinal cord that regulates the rectum and bladder.reflex center any nerve center at which afferent sensory impressions are converted into efferent motor impulses.respiratory c's a series of nerve centers (the apneustic, pneumotaxic, and medullary respiratory centers) in the medulla and pons that coordinate respiratory movements.satiety center a group of cells in the ventromedial hypothalamus that when stimulated suppress the desire for food.senior center a program supported by Title XX funding, providing recreational activities and lunch for a small fee for older adults in need of socialization. Health assessments and education may also be provided.sudorific center 1. a nerve center in the anterior hypothalamus controlling sweating.2. any of several nerve centers in the medulla oblongata or spinal cord that exercise parasympathetic control over sweating. Called also sweat center.swallowing center deglutition center.sweat center sudorific center.thermoregulatory c's nerve centers in the hypothalamus that regulate the conservation and dissipation of heat.thirst center a group of cells in the lateral hypothalamus that when stimulated cause a sensation of thirst.trauma center an institution officially designated as a site to which catastrophically injured patients can be brought quickly to receive specialized care. Trauma centers are classified as Level I, II, or III according to criteria developed by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons, with Level I facilities having the equipment and personnel necessary to care for the most seriously injured patients.vasoconstrictor center a nerve center in the medulla oblongata and lower pons that controls contraction of the blood vessels.vasodilator center a nerve center in the medulla oblongata that causes dilation of blood vessels by repressing the activity of the vasoconstrictor center.vasomotor c's nerve centers in the medulla oblongata and the lower pons that regulate the caliber of the blood vessels and increase or decrease the heart rate and contractility. See also vasoconstrictor c. and vasodilator c. Called also cardiovascular control c's.vomiting center a center in the lower central region of the medulla oblongata; its stimulation causes vomiting.word center, auditory Wernicke's area.


Abbreviation for (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; previously known as the Communicable Disease Center.


abbr. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Abbreviation for:
calculated date of confinement
cancer diagnostic centre
capillary diffusion capacity
carboplatin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
cardiac diagnostic centre
cell-division cycle
central data control
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) (Medspeak-US)
Certified Drug Counsellor
chemical dependency counsellor
child day center
child development centre (Medspeak-UK)
chronic disseminated candidiasis
Clostridium difficile colitis
collecting duct carcinoma
communicable disease center
communicable disease centre
complement-dependent cytolysis
complement-dependent cytotoxicity
Crohn’s disease of colon


Abbreviation for (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Abbreviation for (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



See: Commonwealth Development Corp

Commonwealth Development Corporation

An international aid organization established by the British government after the Second World War to aid in post-war development. It has since been partially privatized and assists in international development in various parts of the world. See also: DFID.


CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (US government)
CDCCommunity Development Corporation
CDCConference on Decision and Control (IEEE)
CDCChange Data Capture
CDCCareer Development Center
CDCChild Development Center
CDCConnected Device Configuration (Sun J2ME)
CDCCommunity Development Council
CDCCaisse des Depots (France)
CDCCult of the Dead Cow (hacker group)
CDCCertified Development Company
CDCCalifornia Department of Corrections
CDCCareer Development Coordinator (various locations)
CDCClimate Diagnostics Center (NOAA)
CDCCommunity Development Center (various locations)
CDCCanadian Dairy Commission
CDCCorporate Data Center
CDCCaisse des Dépôts et Consignations (French)
CDCComplement-Dependent Cytotoxicity (immune system)
CDCCalifornia Democratic Council
CDCContinuous Data Collection
CDCCahier des Charges (French: Specifications)
CDCClock Domain Crossing (ASIC/VLSI design)
CDCCell Division Cycle
CDCContinental Disc Corporation (Kansas City, MO)
CDCCommunauté de Communes (French: Community of Communes)
CDCContinuous Damping Control (electronic suspension system for passenger cars, trucks and buses)
CDCCurriculum Development Committee (various locations)
CDCCarl Duisberg Centren (German training center)
CDCClinical Data Coordinator (various companies)
CDCCri Du Chat (syndrome)
CDCComprehensive Diabetes Care
CDCCustomer-Driven Company (software)
CDCCour de Cassation (French: Supreme Court)
CDCCreative Dance Center (various locations)
CDCCorporate Development Centre (various locations)
CDCC++ Advanced Development Configuration
CDCControl Data Communications
CDCCompact Disc Changer
CDCContinuous Damping Control
CDCCompact Disc Creator
CDCCommunications Daughter Card
CDCClear Data Channel
CDCConnected Device Configuration
CDCCurrent Data Checking
CDCCd Changer
CDCCustom Data Connector
CDCControl Data Corporation
CDCCountdown Clock
CDCCd Cover
CDCCoeur de Catherine (French; St. Catherine University; Minneapolis, MN)
CDCCommunity Development Committee
CDCCommonwealth Development Corporation
CDCCommunity Development Councils (Singapore)
CDCCentre de Documentation Collegiale (Quebec, Canada)
CDCCentralized Data Center (computer services)
CDCCommunity Donation Center (various locations)
CDCCommunity Development Conference (various organizations)
CDCCity Development Company (UK)
CDCCentury Date Change
CDCCountdown Clock (NASA)
CDCConservation Data Centre
CDCCenter Day Camp (various locations)
CDCCrop Development Centre (Canada)
CDCCultural Diversity Committee (various locations)
CDCCollection Development Council
CDCCharge/Discharge Cycle (batteries)
CDCCentro de Diagnóstico Cardiológico (Spanish: Cardiac Diagnostic Center; Brazil)
CDCChinadotcom Corporation (Hong Kong)
CDCCul De Canard (French: Butt of A Duck; feathers used in fly tying)
CDCCommunicable Disease Centre (Singapore)
CDCChief Disciplinary Counsel (attorney)
CDCCompany Directors' Course (various locations)
CDCCareer Development Conference
CDCConstitutional Drafting Committee (various locations)
CDCCentre de Développement Chorégraphique (French: Choreographic Development Center)
CDCCentral Distribution Center
CDCCameroon Development Corporation
CDCChicago Distribution Center (Chicago, IL)
CDCCareer Development Course (taken by USAF enlisted personnel to earn next skill level in AFSC)
CDCCoalition to Diversify Computing
CDCClutha District Council (New Zealand)
CDCCivil District Court
CDCCentral Depository Company of Pakistan Limited
CDCChina Data Center (University of Michigan)
CDCChugoku Design College (Japan)
CDCCharleston Digital Corridor (Charleston, SC)
CDCClothing Distribution Center (USAP New Zealand)
CDCCalifornia Department of Conservation
CDCCurriculum Development Council
CDCCitizens Development Corps (Washington, DC)
CDCCombat Direction Center
CDCChristian Defense Coalition
CDCCompact Digital Camera
CDCCombat Development Command
CDCChurch Day Care
CDCCommunity Day Camp (various locations)
CDCChemical Dependency Center (Charlotte, NC)
CDCCitizens Democracy Corps (Washington, DC)
CDCCapillary Desaturation Curve
CDCCommercial Data Center, Inc. (Pennsylvania)
CDCCapability Development Council (US Air Force)
CDCCairo Demographic Center
CDCChiltern District Council (UK)
CDCCentralized Data Collection
CDCCustomer Definition Centre (Airbus)
CDCCommission du Droit du Canada (French: Law Commission of Canada)
CDCCarbide Derived Carbon
CDCCedar City, UT, USA (Airport Code)
CDCComcast Digital Cable
CDCConstruction Development Company
CDCConstruction de Défense Canada
CDCCounselling and Development Centre
CDCConcern Diffusion over Components
CDCCairo Demographic Centre (Cairo, Egypt)
CDCCertified Dermatology Coder
CDCCertified Door Consultant
CDCCall Data Channel
CDCCanadian Department of Communications
CDCCompanion Dog Club
CDCCentre for Development Communication (India)
CDCCâblerie de Charleroi
CDCCentre de Développement Culturel (French: Center of Cultural Development)
CDCChatsworth Data Corporation (Chatsworth, CA)
CDCConfined Detonating Cord
CDCCentre de Droit de La Consommation
CDCCollege of Development Communication (University of the Philippines Los Baños)
CDCCity of Durham Council (UK)
CDCCentral Defense Command (est. 1941)
CDCCompliance Data Center
CDCCanada Development Corporation
CDCCommittee for Developing Countries
CDCCentre de Développement des Compétences (French: Skills Development Center; Canada)
CDCCirrus Design Corporation
CDCCitizens District Council
CDCCopyright Data Clearinghouse (Japan)
CDCCentral Data Control
CDCConcept Design Center
CDCChattanooga Data Connection
CDCCambridge Dancers' Club
CDCCroatian Defense Council
CDCConcept Development Conference
CDCCycle Double Cover (conjecture)
CDCCommunication Daughter Card (IBM Thinkpad laptops)
CDCCall Directing Code
CDCComputer Display Channel (FAA)
CDCCauseway Data Communications (Ireland)
CDCComité de Conjoncture (French: Economic Committee; Luxembourg)
CDCCounterdrug Coordinator
CDCCollision Deformation Classification (NHTSA)
CDCCommon Data Classes
CDCClock Distribution Circuit
CDCCanterbury Development Corporation Ltd
CDCCrying Drunk Chick
CDCDriver Chief Petty Officer (US Navy rank)
CDCCalifornia Dialysis Council
CDCCentre De Commande
CDCCenter Dual Console (small boat design)
CDCCoto de Casa (California)
CDCCheat Deterrent Client (gaming anti-cheat software)
CDCCoastal Data Centre (AU)
CDCCohousing Development Consulting
CDCCentral Directory Component (military)
CDCCampus Distribution Center
CDCCentral District Conference
CDCClassified Document Control
CDCCenter for Development and Cooperation (various locations)
CDCCommunications Design Center
CDCCombination Door Company (Wisconsin, USA)
CDCCombat Development Center
CDCCalifornia Date Commission
CDCControllability-Don't Care
CDCCommunications Class Device
CDCCall Directing Character
CDCConstitutional Drafting Council (Thailand)
CDCConstant Duty Cycle
CDCCentrex Dynamic Change (telecommunications)
CDCChesapeake Democratic Committee
CDCCircuit Defense Counsel (US DoD)
CDCContinental Dorset Club
CDCCentre de Diffusion Cinématographique (Algeria)
CDCConception-Développement-Construction (French: Design-Development-Construction; Huchenneville, France)
CDCContract Data Coordinator
CDCCall Detail Control (Sprint)
CDCConceptual Design Criteria
CDCConfiguration Data Control
CDCCentre Départemental de la Communication (French: County Center for Communication)
CDCCarbon Development Contract
CDCCleared Defense Contractor (US DoD)
CDCCommand-Display Console
CDCControl Display Console
CDCCompetence Development Center
CDCCorrectional Detention Center
CDCCONUS Demobilization Center
CDCCentral Depot Concept
CDCCanadian Dairy Corporation
CDCCorps Development Center
CDCControl Data Corporation, Incorporated
CDCContext-Dependent Coordination
CDCCross Dock Center (recieving department)
CDCComet Development Committee
CDCConstruction Defect Consulting Inc (Seattle WA)
CDCComité Départemental de la Culture (French)
CDCCentro para Demonstracion y Capacitacion
CDCCombat Decision Center
CDCCyngor Defnyddwyr Cymru (Welsh: Welsh Consumer Council)
CDCCommittee on Departmental Curriculum
CDCCrown Decorator Centres (Lancashire, UK)
CDCCorps Data Center
CDCCommunity Defense Council
CDCCentro Documentação Científica
CDCCombat Detection Center
CDCCharacteristic Distortion Compensation (ITU-T)
CDCConditioned Diphase Converter
CDCCompletion Detection Circuit
CDCConvergància Democràtica de Catalunya (Spanish: Democratic Convergence of Catalonia)
CDCContact Departure Control
CDCCoalition pour La Diversité Culturelle (French: Coalition for Cultural Diversity (Quebec))
CDCCoin Detection Circuit
CDCCommand Document Continue
CDCCheat Deterrent System/Server (gaming)
CDCCentro de Controlo de Doenças e Prevenção
CDCComponent Designator Code
CDCContinental Digital Communications
CDCCommon Display Console
CDCCryogenic Distillation Column
CDCCentrifugal Distortion Constant (spectroscopy)
CDCCraig Developmental Center (Sonyea, NY)
CDCCurrent Dated Check


  • noun

Synonyms for CDC

noun a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services


  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Related Words

  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Health and Human Services
  • HHS
  • bureau
  • federal agency
  • government agency
  • agency
  • office
  • authority
  • Atlanta
  • capital of Georgia




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