

单词 cda



Abbrev. for Centre de Données Astronomiques.


(file format)Compound Document Architecture.


(legal)Communications Decency Act.


(1) (Compact Disc Audio) The file extension that is viewed in Windows Explorer when a music CD is loaded. Appearing as Track01.CDA, Track02.CDA, etc., they are pointers to the track locations on the CD. See CD-DA and AIFF.

(2) (Clinical Document Architecture) A subset of the XML-based HL7 medical record format that is widely used to exchange discharge summaries and progress notes. See healthcare IT.

(3) (Communications Decency Act) A section of a U.S. telecommunications reform bill, passed February 8, 1996, that made it a federal crime to send indecent communications to anyone or to allow minors to view any message considered offensive by contemporary community standards. After considerable protest, the CDA was abolished by a federal court and also the Supreme Court.

(4) (Compound Document Architecture) A compound document format from Digital Equipment that created hot links between documents. See compound document.



Abbreviation for Certified Dental Assistant.


Abbreviation for:
Caldicott (Guardian) Delegated Authority (Medspeak-UK)
Canadian Dental Association
Canadian Dermatology Association
cellulose diacetate
Certified Dental Assistant
chenodeoxycholic acid
ciliary dyskinesia activity
Clinical Document Architecture (Medspeak-UK)
Communicative Disorders Assistant
complement-dependent antibody
computer diagnostic assistant
congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia
cytidine deaminase


Abbreviation for Canadian Dental Association.


CDACalifornia Dental Association
CDAChild Development Associate
CDACanadian Dental Association
CDACanadian Diabetes Association
CDACoeur D'Alene (ID, USA)
CDACapital Development Authority (Pakistan)
CDAChristen Democratisch Appèl (Dutch: Christian Democratic Appeal; Netherlands)
CDAConsiglio Di Amministrazione (Italian: Administration Board)
CDACopper Development Association Inc.
CDAConnecticut Development Authority
CDACategorical Data Analysis (various schools)
CDACommunity Development Authority
CDACalifornia Department of Aging
CDACote d'Azur (French Riviera)
CDACertified Dental Assistant
CDACleveland Disc Association (Ohio)
CDACritical Discourse Analysis
CDACascadian Dark Ale (beer)
CDAClinical Dental Assistant
CDAChristian Democratic Alliance (political party; South Africa)
CDACosmic Dust Analyzer
CDACentro de Alumnos (Spanish: Student Center)
CDACD Audio Track (filename extension)
CDAClinical Document Architecture (XML-based document markup standard)
CDACouncil for Disability Awareness
CDAChild Development Account (Singapore)
CDACoram Deo Academy (Texas)
CDAContract Disputes Act
CDACommunications Decency Act of 1996
CDACubic Defense Applications
CDACompound Document Architecture
CDACd Archiving
CDACompact Disc Audio
CDAContent Delivery Applications
CDAClinical Document Architecture
CDACompagnie des Alpes (French: Alps Company)
CDACollege Democrats of America
CDAContinuous Descent Approach (aviation)
CDACanadian Dermatology Association
CDAChandra Data Archive
CDAConfidential Disclosure Agreement
CDAChristian Democratic Appeal (political party; Netherlands)
CDACommunity Development Association
CDAComprehensive Development Agreement
CDACommunity Development Administration
CDACooperative Development Authority
CDACommission du Droit d'Auteur Canada (Copyright Board of Canada)
CDAComprehensive Data Analysis
CDACommission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées (French: Commission on Human Autonomy for People with Disabilities; est. 2005)
CDAChargé d'Affaires (French: Responsible for Affairs; US State Department)
CDACareer Development Award (insurance)
CDACentro de Desarrollo de Agronegocios (Spanish: Agribusiness Development Center; various locations)
CDAColorado Dental Association
CDACenter for Data Analysis
CDACommedia Dell' Arte
CDAClean Dry Air
CDAConference of Defence Associations (Conférence des Associations de La Défence - Canada)
CDAControlled Droplet Application
CDACommonwealth Dental Association (UK)
CDACommand and Data Acquisition (Station; NOAA)
CDACanadian Dam Association
CDACriminal Defense Attorney
CDAChild Detection Agency (Monsters, Inc.)
CDAChittagong Development Authority (Bangladesh)
CDACapital Dividend Account (taxation)
CDAContribution au Développement de l'Apprentissage (French: Contribution to the Development of Learning; French tax)
CDAComité Départemental d'Athlétisme (French: Departmental Committee of Athletics)
CDAComputer Design Architecture (various schools)
CDACollaborative for Development Action
CDAChristian Democratic Alliance
CDACentral Design Agent (shipping)
CDACompressed Dry Air
CDACivil Defence Academy
CDAConstitution Drafting Assembly (Thailand)
CDACanadian Defence Attaché
CDACleveland Development Advisors (Cleveland, OH)
CDACommander's Digital Assistant (Army)
CDAClub de Défense des Animaux (French: Defense of Animals Club)
CDAColonial Dames of America
CDACuban Democracy Act of 1992
CDACentral Design Activity
CDACommunicative Disorders Assistant
CDACentre de Défense des Animaux (French: Animal Defense Center)
CDACongenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias
CDACentre Départementale d'Assèchement (French: Departmental Assessment of Reclamation)
CDAChabot Delrieu Associés (French labeling machine company)
CDAConceptual Design Activity
CDACorporate Dental Application (used by the Army Medical Command)
CDACalifornia Department of Agriculture
CDAConcept Demonstrator Aircraft
CDACentral Design Agency
CDACommercial Derivative Aircraft
CDACompact Digital Audio
CDAContributing Drainage Area
CDACall Data Accumulator
CDAContent Delivery Agent (web portal delivery technology)
CDAComptoir des Affaires (French discount business)
CDACivil Defense Agency
CDACanada Department of Agriculture
CDAConcise Dictionary of Akkadian
CDACoin Detection and Announcement
CDACoordinated Data Analysis (NASA website)
CDAClinical Data Associate (pharmacology)
CDACritical Design Audit
CDACentral Distribution Amplifier
CDAConditional Demand Analysis
CDAChristlich Demokratische Arbeitnehmer (German: Christian Democratic Employees)
CDACommunity Digital Assistant (sharable PDA)
CDACall Disposition Analyzer
CDACombined Development Agency (US, UK, and Canada)
CDACatalog Data Activity (US Army)
CDACurrent Differencing Amplifier
CDAClear Dry Adhesive
CDACareer Design Associates, Inc.
CDACercle des Arts (French: Circle of Arts; artists' collective)
CDAClub des Auteurs (French: Authors Club)
CDACrash Dump Analyzer
CDACentre de Documentation Anarchiste (French: Anarchist Documentation Center; Center for Labor History; Nantes, France)
CDACertified Digital Archivist
CDACorneal Dystrophy, Avellino Type
CDACertified Design Accountant
CDACommander's Decision Aid
CDAContagious Diseases Act (UK)
CDAComponent Data Administrator
CDACyclic Division Algebras (a class of division algebra)
CDAConnecticut Dressage Association
CDACanadian Domestic Airspace
CDACognitive Decision Aids
CDAConventional Distributed Amplifier
CDACoastal Data Acquisition
CDACongressionally Directed Action
CDACore Depot Assessment (US DoD)
CDAChicago Dwellings Association
CDAConstant Descent Approach (aviation)
CDACountry Dance Association (various locations)
CDACollision Detection and Avoidance
CDAComputer Design Activity
CDACombat Development Activity
CDACoverage Determination Application
CDACentre de Droit Américain (French: American Law Center)
CDACorona Dance Academy (Corona, CA)
CDACommon Datacasting Architecture
CDACollaborative Decision Aid
CDACentre Drôme Ardèche (French: Drôme Ardèche Center; Joseph Fourier University; Grenoble, France)
CDAConcurrent Detection Algorithm
CDACapability Data Acknowledgement (ITU-T)
CDAControl Duty Assignment
CDACourriers de l'Aube (French transportation company)
CDAControlled Disposition Area
CDACoalition for a Democratic Abkhazia (Republic of Georgia)
CDAConsecutive Diagnosis Algorithm
CDAClinique Dentaire Adventiste
CDACompressed Data, Audio
CDACooloola Dressage Association Inc. (Australia)
CDAConceptual Design Area
CDACigarettes des Autres (French: other people's cigarettes)
CDACall Duck Association (UK)
CDACognizant Design Activity
CDACasualty and Damage Assessment
CDACesium Dhydrogen Arsenate
CDACommunications Distribution Assembly
CDAConsolidated Device Architecture
CDACollegiate Debate Association
CDACharacter Data Archive
CDAClass Design Agent
CDACommand Data Administration
CDAConnecticut Debate Association
CDAUnited States Army DARCOM Catalog Data Activity
CDACentral Development Activity
CDACombat Developer's Analysis
CDAColumbus DanceArts Academy (Dublin, OH)
CDACollege Diploma in Agriculture (UK)
CDAChambre des Associations (French: Chamber of Associations)
CDACritical Decision Analysis
CDAConcept Development Aircraft
CDACitizen Discrimination Act
CDAChristian Duty Alliance
CDACymdeithas Draughts Association (Wales)
CDACost Distribution Account (US government)
CDACrash-Damaged Aircraft
CDACrater Detection Algorithm (Mars exploration)
CDACalcul Distribué et Asynchronisme (French: Distributed Computing and Asynchrony)
CDACorporate Directory Assistance
CDACollectif de Développement Audiovisuel (French: Audiovisual Development Collective)




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