Acronym | Definition |
FPCI➣Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena (Spanish: Foundation for the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge) |
FPCI➣Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas (Spanish: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues) |
FPCI➣Febvre Prophete Chaudronnerie Inox (French: Febvre Prophet Boiler Stainless Steel) |
FPCI➣Food Products Containing Inedibles (survey) |
FPCI➣First Philippine Conservation, Inc. (est. 1999) |
FPCI➣Family Planning Council of Iowa (Des Moines, IA) |
FPCI➣Financial Planning Consultants, Inc. (Florida) |
FPCI➣French for Parents of Children in Immersion (Canada) |
FPCI➣Fish Passage Culvert Inspection (Canada) |
FPCI➣First Presbyterian Church, Inglewood |