


a German publishing firm founded by F. A. Brockhaus (1772-1823) in 1805 in Amsterdam. From 1811 to 1817 the firm was located in Altenburg, and later it had its headquarters in Leipzig. Since 1808, it has published the encyclopedia Konversations Lexikon, widely known under the name Brockhaus (14 editions were published in the 19th century; the 15th and 16th editions of the encyclopedia came out under the name Der Grosse Brockhaus), as well as a number of other publications. With the formation of the German Democratic Republic in 1953, Brockhaus became a national publishing house in Leipzig; it publishes reference books and literature on geography and ethnography. In the Federal Republic of Germany, the Brockhaus firm established its headquarters in Wiesbaden; between 1952 and 1957, it published a new 12-volume edition of Der Grosse Brockhaus’, in 1962-63, a two-volume supplement to it (Ergänzungsbände); in 1958-60, a five-volume Der Neue Brockhaus with a one-volume supplement (Ergänzungsband) in 1964; in 1961-62 a two-volume Der Kleine Brockhaus’, and in 1959, Der Volks-Brockhaus (2nd edition). In 1966, Brockhaus began publication of the 17th edition of the 20-volume Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (thus far, vols. 1-10, Wiesbaden).