Clayton Lake State Park

Clayton Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Mexico
Location:12 miles north of Clayton via NM 370.
Facilities:37 developed campsites (7 with electric hookups), 12 primitivecampsites, restrooms, showers (é), playground, picnic shelters (é), including groupshelter, trails, boat ramp, 3 docks, visitor center.
Activities:Camping, boating (trolling speed only), canoeing, fishing, windsurfing, hiking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Along the lake's spillway is an internationally significant dinosaurtrackway where more than 500 dinosaur footprints dating back 100million years have been identified and preserved. The park also offersoutstanding fishing, and several duck species frequent the lake.
Address:141 Clayton Lake Rd
Clayton, NM 88415

Size: 471 acres land; 170 acres water. Elevation: 5,040 feet.

See other parks in New Mexico.

Clayton Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Oklahoma
Location:5 miles south of Clayton on SH 271.
Facilities:26 semi-modern campsites, 33 primitive campsites, cabins, showers, picnic area, group shelters, swimming beach, boat ramp, playground (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming.
Special Features:95-acre Clayton Lake is considered a hot spot for bass fishing.
Address:HC 60, Box 33-10
Clayton, OK 74536

Size: 510 acres.

See other parks in Oklahoma.