ectopia lentis


 [ek-to´pe-ah] (L.) malposition, especially if congenital.ectopia cor´dis congenital displacement of the heart outside the thoracic cavity.ectopia len´tis displacement of the crystalline lens of the eye.

ec·to·pi·a len·'tis

[MIM*225100] displacement of the lens of the eye. Synonym(s): dislocation of lens

ec·to·pi·a len·tis

(ek-tō'pē-ă len'tis) Displacement of the lens of the eye.

Ectopia lentis

Dislocation of the lens of the eye. It is one of the most important single indicators in diagnosing Marfan syndrome.Mentioned in: Marfan Syndrome

luxation of the lens

Pathological and complete dislocation of the lens relative to the pupil. If the luxation is incomplete it is called subluxation of the lens (or dislocation or ectopia lentis). Subluxation is one of the causes of monocular diplopia. If the luxation is complete the eye becomes markedly hyperopic and is unable to accommodate. Luxation occurs in contusion of the globe, in many ocular (e.g. buphthalmos) and other diseases (e.g. syphilis) or it can be inherited (e.g. the bilateral, symmetrical, superior subluxation commonly found in Marfan's syndrome or homocystinuria). It is sometimes associated with ectopic pupils and keratoconus. Unless there are complications (e.g. secondary glaucoma) or monocular diplopia the lens is left in place and management is optical. (Fig. L21) See corectopia; iridodonesis; pupillary block.enlarge picture" >Fig. L21 Dislocation of the lens (usually in the vitreous humour)enlarge pictureFig. L21 Dislocation of the lens (usually in the vitreous humour)

ec·to·pi·a len·tis

(ek-tō'pē-ă len'tis) [MIM*225100] Displacement of the lens of the eye.