Doctor Death
Doctor Death
EthicsSee Kevorkian, Dr Jack.
Harold Shipman, a British GP who practiced from 1974–1998. He is believed to have killed as many as 250 of his patients, making him the world’s most prolific healthcare serial killer. He hanged himself in 2004. Shipman’s MO included lethal injections with heroin and changing the victims’ wills, naming himself as beneficiary.
Health care rationing
A macabre sobriquet for Dr John Kitzhaber, of Portland, Oregon, for his role as chief architect of the Oregon Plan. The Oregon Plan was a bipartisan coalition effort to develop a framework for fundamental resource allocation; it attempted to to address the financial limits on healthcare spending in the state of Oregon by providing the most healthcare value for the most people. The OP’s guidelines denied coverage of a BM transplantation to a 7-year-old boy, Coby Howard, resulting in his death, hence Dr Kitzhaber’s unofficial title as Dr Death.