Antilanding Operation
Antilanding Operation
a defensive operation carried out by the commands of various armed services with the objective of thwarting an enemy amphibious landing operation by destroying the landing party during its embarkation, during the sea crossing, and in the landing area.
An antilanding operation may involve the naval forces operating in the given theater of naval operations, the ground forces in the coastal theater, and air force and national air defense units. Naval forces are assigned to destroy the landing party and its covering, security, and supporting forces during the sea crossing. The mission of ground troops, together with units of the other armed services, including the naval forces, is to prevent the enemy from landing on the coast that is being defended.
An antilanding defense is formed to guard important objects in coastal zones. The defense consists of deliberately establishing a grouping of forces in advance, organizing the coast and the sea approaches, preparing positions for ground forces and missile units, laying obstacles on land and in the water, and organizing a system of fire and coordination among ground troops, naval forces, and aviation to repulse enemy landings. An antilanding defense is jointly planned and organized by the command and staff of both ground and naval forces and is directed by the commander responsible for the coastal defense of the given region. Control of forces in an antilanding operation is exercised by the commander of the front or fleet on instructions from the higher command.