(doe-koe-sa-nole) docosanol,Abreva
(trade name)Classification
Therapeutic: antiviralsIndications
Therapeutic effects
Time/action profile
Topical | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
All local reactions occured at site of applicationLocal
- acne
- skin
- itching
- rash
Drug-Drug interaction
None significant.Route/Dosage
Nursing implications
Nursing assessment
- Assess skin lesions prior to and periodically throughout therapy.
Potential Nursing Diagnoses
Impaired skin integrity, impaired (Indications)Risk for infection, high risk for (Indications)
Deficient knowledge, related to disease process and medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)
- Topical: Cream should be applied to lesions 5 times daily starting at the first sign of a sore or blister.
Patient/Family Teaching
- Instruct patient on correct technique for application of docosanol. Cream should only be applied to lips and face. Avoid application in or near eyes. Emphasize handwashing following application, or touching lesions to prevent spread to others or to other areas of the body.
- Advise patient to begin application of docosanol at the first sign of a sore or blister, even during prodromal stage (feeling of burning, itching, tingling, or numbness).
- Inform patient that docosanol reduces duration of herpes simplex virus episodes but does not cure virus. Viral reactivation may be triggered by ultraviolet radiation or sun exposure, stress, fatigue, chilling, and windburn. Other possible triggers include fever, injury, menstruation, dental work, and infectious diseases (cold, flu).
- Advise patient to notify health care professional if lesions do not heal in 14 days or if fever, rash, or swollen lymph nodes occur.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
- Reduction in duration of symptoms (pain, burning, itching, tingling) of herpes simplex virus episodes.