Acronym | Definition |
AOI➣Area Of Interest |
AOI➣Automated Optical Inspection |
AOI➣Area of Investigation (environmental damage; US NASA) |
AOI➣Add-On Instructions |
AOI➣Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis (est. 1974; eye organization) |
AOI➣Age of Innocence (game) |
AOI➣Angle of Impact (forensics) |
AOI➣Active Output Interface |
AOI➣Associated Oregon Industries |
AOI➣Art of Illusion (3D modeling software) |
AOI➣Angle Of Incidence |
AOI➣American Orthodox Institute |
AOI➣Articles of Incorporation |
AOI➣Age of Innocence (David Hamilton book, also a band) |
AOI➣Arab Organization for Industrialization (Egyptian government industrial organization) |
AOI➣Auto-Owners Insurance |
AOI➣Annual Operating Income |
AOI➣Africa Orientale Italiana |
AOI➣All Ordinaries Index (stock index, Australian Stock Exchange) |
AOI➣Antarctic Oscillation Index (oceanography) |
AOI➣Association de l'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite |
AOI➣Aide Odontologique Internationale |
AOI➣Adjusted Operating Income |
AOI➣Area of Impact |
AOI➣Active Output Interface (UNI PMD specs for copper/fiber) |
AOI➣Ancona, Italy - Falconara (Airport Code) |
AOI➣Areas Of Improvement |
AOI➣Apnea of Infancy |
AOI➣Atlantech Online, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD) |
AOI➣Airport Operational Information |
AOI➣Automated Operator Interface |
AOI➣Accent On Information (on assistive technology products and devices) |
AOI➣Atelosteogenesis, Type I |
AOI➣Associate Office Infrastructure (USPS) |
AOI➣Act on Impulse |
AOI➣Ad Operations Interactive |
AOI➣Abnormal Operating Instruction |
AOI➣Advanced Open Integration (software development) |
AOI➣Aero-Optics Inc. (Rolling Hills Estates, CA) |
AOI➣Advance Ordering Information |
AOI➣Accept Operator Input |
AOI➣Application of Intent |
AOI➣AND-OR-Invert(er) (logical; electrical engineering) |
AOI➣Access Option Indicator (Sprint) |
AOI➣Avalon Online Initiative (web development firm) |
AOI➣Automatic Object Inspection |
AOI➣Artist of Illusion |
AOI➣All Out Insane (gaming clan) |