

单词 cd



The symbol for cadmium.


abbr.1. certificate of deposit2. civil defense3. cluster of differentiation antigen4. compact disc5. French corps diplomatique (diplomatic corps)


abbr.1. candela2. cord


abbreviation for (Commerce) cash discount symbol for (Units) candela


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Democratic Republic of Congo


abbreviation for (Parliamentary Procedure) (in Britain) command (paper) the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) cadmium


abbreviation for 1. (Electronics) compact disc 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Civil Defence (Corps) 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Corps Diplomatique (Diplomatic Corps) 4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Conference on Disarmament: a United Nations standing conference, held in Geneva, to negotiate a global ban on chemical weapons 5. (Banking & Finance) (in the US and Canada) certificate of deposit. Also: C.D.


1. certificate of deposit. 2. Civil Defense. 3. compact disc.


Chem. Symbol. cadmium.


1. candela. 2. Also, cd. cord.


Civil Defense.


The symbol for cadmium.
Noun1.cd - a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic elementCd - a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element; occurs in association with zinc oresatomic number 48, cadmiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.calamine, hemimorphite - a white mineral; a common ore of zinc2.cd - the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvincandela, standard candle, candlecandlepower unit, luminous intensity unit - a measure of luminous intensity3.CD - a debt instrument issued by a bank; usually pays interestcertificate of deposittime deposit - a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future datecertificate of indebtedness, debt instrument, obligation - a written promise to repay a debt4.cd - a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph recordCD - a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a lasercompact disc, compact diskaudio CD, audio compact disc - compact discs used to reproduce sound (voice and music)CD-R, CD-WO, compact disc recordable, compact disc write-once - a compact disc on which you can write only once and thereafter is read-only memoryCD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory - a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with an audio system); a large amount of digital information can be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the useroptical disc, optical disk - a disk coated with plastic that can store digital data as tiny pits etched in the surface; is read with a laser that scans the surfacerecording - a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recordedAdj.1.cd - being one hundred more than three hundred400, four hundredcardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"


(siːˈdiː) noun (abbreviation) compact disc. 光碟(縮寫) 光盘(缩写式) CD player noun an electrical instrument for playing compact discs. 光碟播放機 激光唱机CD-ˈROM noun (abbreviation) compact disk read-only memory; a disk which stores information that can be displayed on a computer. 光碟唯讀記憶體 只读光盘驱动器


  • When will the CD be ready?
  • CD


    symbol for the element cadmiumcadmium
    [from cadmia, Lat. for calamine, with which cadmium is found associated], metallic chemical element; symbol Cd; at. no. 48; at. wt. 112.411; m.p. 321&degC;; b.p. 765&degC;; sp. gr. 8.65 at 20&degC;; valence +2.
    ..... Click the link for more information.


    see compact disccompact disc
    (CD), a small plastic disc used for the storage of digital data. As originally developed for audio systems, the sound signal is sampled at a rate of 44,100 times a second, then each sample is measured and digitally encoded on the 4 3-4 in (12 cm) disc as a series of
    ..... Click the link for more information.


    Abbrev. for Córdoba Durchmusterung. See Bonner Durchmusterung.


    (chemistry) cadmium


    (optics) circular dichroism


    The International Standard unit of luminous intensity; closely approximates the formerly accepted unit known as the “international candle.”


    (1)Compact Disc


    (operating system)change directory.


    (networking)The country code for the Democratic Republicof the Congo (formerly Zaire, zr).


    (1) See carrier detect, candela and continuous delivery.

    (2) (Change Directory) A command in DOS/Windows that changes the current command line directory (see Chdir). CD also does the same thing in Unix/Linux (see Unix commands).

    (3) (Compact Disc) An optical digital audio disc that contains up to 74 minutes of hi-fi stereo sound. Introduced in the U.S. in 1983, the disc is a plastic platter (120mm/4.75" diameter) recorded on one side, with individual tracks playable in any sequence. Its storage capacity is from 650MB to 700MB. Other forms of CDs, such as CD-ROM, CD-I and Video CD, all stem from the original Compact Disc-Digital Audio (CD-DA) format. CDs can be played in CD, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW and most DVD drives. For more on how CDs are made, see CD-ROM.

    Sound is converted into digital code by sampling the sound waves 44,056 times per second and converting each sample into a 16-bit number. CDs use 1.411 million bits for each second of stereo sound, although this bandwidth requirement is reduced considerably when music compression formats are used (see MP3 and AAC). The tracks are recorded as microscopic pits in a groove that starts at the center of the disc and spirals outward to the edge.

    A Note on Terminology
    In the early 1990s when CD-ROMs first became popular, "CD" meant music, and "CD-ROM" meant data. Today, "CD" refers to both audio CDs and data CD-ROMs, which also include CD-R and CD-RW media. See CD-ROM and mini CD.

    The Books
    Documentation for various CD formats are found in books commonly known by the color of their covers.

     Red Book - CD-DA (Audio) Yellow Book - CD-ROM (Data) Orange Book - CD-R, CD-RW, Photo CD (Recordable) White Book - VCD (Video) Blue Book - CD Extra (Audio and data) Green Book - CD-I (Interactive)

    What Happened to the Phonograph?

    The audio CD was introduced in the U.S. in 1983, and within five years, CDs and CD players exceeded the sales of LPs and turntables.

    From Carved Sound to Pits
    Unlike phonograph records, in which the platter is literally carved with sound waves, CDs are recorded as microscopic pits covered by a clear, protective plastic layer. Instead of a needle vibrating in a groove, a laser shines onto the pits, and the reflections are decoded. Audio CDs, as well as all variations of the CD (CD-ROM, CD-R, etc.) use a spiral recording track like a phonograph record, but start at the center, not the edge. See analog audio.

    Better Dynamic Range
    Digital sound is cleaner than phonograph records because the numbers are turned into sound electronically. There are no needle pops and clicks and no tape hiss if the original recording was digital. In addition, the CD can handle a wider range of volume. A soft whisper can be interrupted by a loud cannon blast. If a phonograph record were recorded with that much "dynamic range," the needle would literally jump out of the groove.

    Too Harsh for Critical Ears?
    Pops and clicks aside, from the onset of audio CDs, many critics claimed digital sound was harsh and not as musical as the vinyl platter. DVD-Audio and SACD, two advanced digital formats with superior sound quality, came out in 1999, but neither one became popular (see DVD-Audio and SACD). See high-resolution audio.

    In the meantime, turntables and vinyl records are still manufactured, although in smaller quantities, and this legacy industry is expected to persist. See turntable, laser turntable and USB turntable.



     dose" >curative dose; donor" >cadaveric donor.


     1. cadmium.2. caudal or coccygeal.


    Abbreviation for curative dose; circular dichroism; cluster of differentiation; compact disc.


    Symbol for cadmium.


    Symbol for candela.


    Abbreviation for:
    cadaveric donor
    caesarean delivery
    Canavan disease
    canine distemper
    capillary diameter
    carbon dioxide
    cardiac denervation
    cardiac disease
    cardiac dysfunction
    cardiovascular disease
    Castleman’s disease
    catalytic domain
    cathepsin D
    cation dependent
    cause of death
    celiac disease
    cell death
    cell density
    cell dissociation
    centre distance
    cerebellar degeneration
    cervical dystonia
    Chagas disease
    challenge dose
    chemical dependency
    chemical diabetes
    chiral discrimination
    choline deficiency
    chronic dialysis
    chronic dizziness
    civil defence (Medspeak-UK)
    clinical dietician
    clinical director (Medspeak-UK)
    clinical directorate (Medspeak-UK)
    cluster designation
    cluster of differentiation (Medspeak-UK)
    coal duct
    cocaine dependent
    coeliac disease
    cognitive deterioration
    collecting duct
    colloidal dispersion
    colonic distension
    colour discrimination
    commercial diet
    common bile duct
    complete dentition
    complete diet
    computer design
    conduct disorder
    conduction defect
    conduction disorder
    cone degeneration
    cone dystrophy
    conjugated diene
    consanguineous donor
    conserved domain
    constitutional delay
    contact dermatitis
    contagious disease
    control diet
    controlled drug, see there (Medspeak-UK)
    conventional dialysis
    conversion disorder
    convulsive disorder
    convulsive dose
    corneal dystrophy
    coronary disease
    cortical dysplasia
    counting device
    courtship display
    Cowden’s disease
    Crohn’s disease
    cultural deprivation
    cultural disadvantage
    cumulative dose
    curative dose
    Cushing disease
    cycle day
    cytosine deaminase
    cytosolic domain
    cytotoxic dose
    cystic duct
    cytoplasmic domain


    1. Cluster designation, cluster of differentiation Immunology A nomenclature system for surface antigens of human leukocytes, macrophages, platelets, and other cells, characterized by monoclonal antibodies, allowing these cells to be categorized by lineage; most cells have > 1 surface antigen; 'w'–workshop designations indicate an incompletely characterized antigen; also 1. Chemical diabetic.2. Chief of division.3. Childhood disease.4. Common duct.5. Communicable disease.6. Compact disk.7. Complicated delivery.8. Contact dermatitis.9. Controlled drug.10. Convulsive disorder.11. Corneal dystrophy.12. Crohn's disease.13. Cystic duct.14. Left posterior descending coronary artery, see there.


    Abbreviation for cumulative dose;curative dose;circular dichroism;cluster of differentiation.


    Symbol for cadmium.


    Abbrev. for. cluster of differentiation (or designation). This is a standard descriptive code applied to antigenic surface molecules on white cells, especially T LYMPHOCYTES, that are identified by a particular group of monoclonal antibodies. Well over 100 CD receptors have been described.


    Abbreviation for cluster of differentiation.


    certificate of deposit (CD)

    n. a document issued by a bank in return for a deposit of money which pays a fixed interest rate for a specified period (from a month to several years). Interest rates on CD's are usually higher than savings accounts because banking institutions require a commitment to leave money in the CD for a fixed period of time. Often there is a financial penalty (fee) for cashing in a CD before the pledged time runs out.


    CD (1)

    See: Certificate of deposit

    CD (2)

    The two-character ISO 3166 country code for CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF.

    Certificate of Deposit

    A deposit at a bank or other financial institution that has a fixed return (usually via an interest rate) and a set maturity. The depositor does not have access to the funds in a certificate of deposit until maturity; in exchange, he/she is usually entitled to a higher interest rate. CDs are insured by the FDIC up to a certain amount and as such are a way to increase return for no extra risk. See also: Demand deposit, Real estate certificate of deposit, Negotiable certificate of deposit.


    See certificate of deposit.

    Certificate of deposit (CD).

    CDs are time deposits. When you purchase a CD from a bank, up to $100,000 is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

    You generally earn compound interest at a fixed rate, which is determined by the current interest rate and the CD's term, which can range from a week to five years.

    However, rates can vary significantly from bank to bank. You usually face a penalty if you withdraw funds before your CD matures, often equal to the interest that has accrued up to the time you make the withdrawal.


    See certificate of deposit.


    CDCompact Disc
    CDCertificate of Deposit
    CDCivil Defense
    CDCandela (luminous intensity)
    CDChange Directory (MS-DOS)
    CDCurrent Directory
    CDColor Display
    CDControl Data
    CDCommunity Development
    CDCorporate Design
    CDCalendar Day
    CDCreative Director
    CDCareer Development
    CDCommittee Draft
    CDCar and Driver (magazine)
    CDCanadian Dollar
    CDCouncil District
    CDCross Dresser
    CDConservation District
    CDConcept Design
    CDComprehensive Database
    CDClaude Debussy (classical composer)
    CDCommunication Device
    CDConcept Development
    CDCapacity Development (international economics)
    CDCritical Decision
    CDCurriculum Development
    CDCeline Dion (Canadian singer)
    CDCiudad (city; postcode use, Mexico)
    CDCenter Director
    CDCarrier Detect
    CDCurrently Disabled
    CDConduct Disorder
    CDCompanion Dog (AKC Obedience Title)
    CDContent Dictionary
    CDChicken Dance
    CDCollision Detection
    CDCordoba (Argentina province, airline code)
    CDCollateral Damage
    CDClub Deportivo
    CDChristian Dior
    CDCrossdresser (transvestite, drag)
    CDCollege Dictionary
    CDCongressional District
    CDConference on Disarmament
    CDContract Data
    CDCritical Dimension
    CDCalifornia Dreamin'
    CDCultural Development
    CDCarpe Diem (MMORPG game)
    CDCorporate Development
    CDContinuous Delivery (software development)
    CDChemical Dependency
    CDCountry Director (Peace Corps)
    CDConceptual Design
    CDChange of Direction
    CDCall Data
    CDCommon Denominator
    CDContrary to the Discipline (Quaker religion)
    CDCold Drink
    CDComponent Design
    CDCommunications Director
    CDCrohn's Disease
    CDCreative Differences
    CDCivil Defence
    CDCivil Disobedience
    CDCritical Design
    CDDemocratic Republic of the Congo (country code, top level domain)
    CDCurrent Density
    CDCenter Distance
    CDControl and Display
    CDCeliac Disease
    CDCommunicable Disease
    CDConsent Decree
    CDCold Drawn
    CDCamp Director
    CDCoastal Defense
    CDConserved Domain (proteins)
    CDCost Distribution
    CDCooldown (World of Warcraft gaming)
    CDCapability Data (ITU-T)
    CDCastle Douglas (Scotland, UK)
    CDCooperation and Development
    CDCircular Dichroism
    CDControlled Drug
    CDClostridium Difficile
    CDClearance Delivery (aviation)
    CDContext-Dependent (research parameter)
    CDChinese Dragon (automobile)
    CDCloaking Device (Star Trek)
    CDCortical Dysplasia (congenital abnormality)
    CDCruise Director
    CDCombined Data
    CDCognitive Disabilities
    CDCoeliac Disease
    CDCanada Dry
    CDCoefficient of Drag (aerodynamics)
    CDCommon Dialog (windows programming)
    CDCarried Down
    CDCluster of Differentiation (aka Cluster of Designation; antigens)
    CDCytoplasmic Domain (immunology)
    CDCentral Division
    CDCall Detail
    CDChromatic Dispersion
    CDCapacitor Discharge (steel stud welding method)
    CDChronic Diarrhea
    CDComputer Division (various locations)
    CDCavalry Division
    CDCore Damage (nuclear reactors)
    CDContract Design
    CDChemical Defense
    CDCircuit Description (Bell System)
    CDCircuit Description
    CDCorps Diplomatique
    CDClimate Dynamics
    CDConstruction Defect
    CDComisión Directiva (Spanish)
    CDConfidential Document
    CDClimatological Data
    CDConservation Dependent (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category)
    CDCommon Drain (amplifier topology)
    CDCushing's Disease
    CDCarnitine Deficiency
    CDChunichi Dragons (Japanese professional baseball team)
    CDCultural Diffusion
    CDCotrel-Dubousset (orthopedics)
    CDCash Dispenser
    CDConsumers Digest
    CDCable Duct
    CDCash Disbursements (bookkeeping)
    CDCross Direction
    CDCredit Derivative
    CDCriteria Documents (NIOSH)
    CDConceptual Diagram
    CDConditional Discharge
    CDCall Distributor (PBX feature)
    CDConstruction Document
    CDCurriculum Director
    CDConseil de Discipline (French: Disciplinary Board)
    CDCommunication Disorder
    CDCompliance Division
    CDCommunity of Democracies
    CDChris Daniels (and the Kings; band)
    CDCuerpo Diplomático (Spanish)
    CDCuerpo Diplomático
    CDCanine Distemper
    CDConcept Definition
    CDCommon Digitizer (radar equipment)
    CDCertificate of Destruction
    CDCertified Doula
    CDCross Docking (shipping/inventory management)
    CDCross Docking (inventory management)
    CDCell Delay (ATM)
    CDCompact Display
    CDCorrelation Dimension
    CDCall Deflection
    CDCross Drive (tank transmission)
    CDConverter Display
    CDCountry Direct
    CDConsistency Determination
    CDCel Damage (video game)
    CDCombat Development
    CDConverter Drive
    CDCeské Dráhy (Czech railways)
    CDConference du Desarmement
    CDCommittee on Disarmament
    CDChart Datum
    CDControl Drawing
    CDCordoba Durchmusterung (star catalogue)
    CDComputational Device
    CDCultural Division
    CDComplete Denture
    CDCoil Driver
    CDCall Disconnect
    CDCystitis Diet (veterinary prescription diet food)
    CDConcurrent Disorders
    CDCanadian Forces Decoration (medal)
    CDConcrete Detail (writing)
    CDCertification Division (EPA)
    CDCalibration Drift
    CDCowden Disease
    CDCollector, Dust
    CDClaims, Defense
    CDConvergence for Democracy
    CDChannel Designator (US DoD)
    CDCoffin Dancer
    CDCompetitive Design
    CDCritical Defect
    CDContract Definition
    CDComplete Divine (Dungeons & Dragons book)
    CDCatalytic Distillation (petroleum refining)
    CDCoordinated Delivery
    CDCurriculum Differentiation
    CDConcept Decision
    CDChain Delivery (printing press)
    CDCombat Developer
    CDCode Detector
    CDClassification of Defects
    CDConnectivity Date
    CDChained Declustering (computing)
    CDCentrumdemokraterne (Danish political party)
    CDCustom Delay
    CDCommand Director
    CDClosed Document (number designator)
    CDCommand Decoder
    CDChange Directive
    CDClock Distributor
    CDCentral Detector
    CDCrimp Dies
    CDCurative Dose
    CDCanadian Decoration
    CDCarterfone Decision
    CDCapecitabine plus Docetaxel
    CDConfiguration Drawing
    CDCharge Disproportionation
    CDContractual Data
    CDCoreDirector (Ciena)
    CDCertificate of Design
    CDChaos Dwarves (gaming, Warhammer)
    CDCorrected Depth
    CDCommand Discipline (NYPD)
    CDCoordinating Draft
    CDCanopy Destruct (ejection seat; US DoD)
    CDClosed Drain
    CDCookie Dispenser
    CDCircular Dichromism
    CDCold Dielectric (high temperature superconducting cables)
    CDCourtesy Date
    CDContract Direction
    CDCensorship & Documents (division in OSS)
    CDCalifornia Detectives
    CDCertified Drafter
    CDCoolant Discharge
    CDCoulomb Dipole
    CDCrimson Deaths (counter-strike clan)
    CDChoice Dividend
    CDCertified Diamontologist
    CDContainment Depressurization
    CDConventional Demodulation
    CDCentralized Disbursing
    CDCivil Emergency Preparedness Training (attendance code)
    CDCompletion Detector/Detection
    CDContractual Dependency
    CDCovert Duress
    CDCoat Dural (Mavic)


    • all
    • noun
    • adj

    Synonyms for Cd

    noun a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element


    • atomic number 48
    • cadmium

    Related Words

    • metal
    • metallic element
    • calamine
    • hemimorphite

    noun the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites


    • candela
    • standard candle
    • candle

    Related Words

    • candlepower unit
    • luminous intensity unit

    noun a debt instrument issued by a bank


    • certificate of deposit

    Related Words

    • time deposit
    • certificate of indebtedness
    • debt instrument
    • obligation

    noun a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record


    • compact disc
    • compact disk

    Related Words

    • audio CD
    • audio compact disc
    • CD-R
    • CD-WO
    • compact disc recordable
    • compact disc write-once
    • CD-ROM
    • compact disc read-only memory
    • optical disc
    • optical disk
    • recording

    adj being one hundred more than three hundred


    • 400
    • four hundred

    Related Words

    • cardinal




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