

单词 at




The symbol for astatine.


abbr.1. air temperature2. ampere-turn3. antitank4. automatic transmission


A0490700 (ăt; ət when unstressed)prep.1. a. In or near the area occupied by; in or near the location of: at the market; at our destination.b. In or near the position of: always at my side; at the center of the page.2. To or toward the direction or location of, especially for a specific purpose: Questions came at us from all sides.3. Present during; attending: at the dance.4. Within the interval or span of: at the dinner hour; at a glance.5. In the state or condition of: at peace with one's conscience.6. In the activity or field of: skilled at playing chess; good at math.7. To or using the rate, extent, or amount of; to the point of: at 30 cents a pound; at high speed; at 20 paces; at 350°F.8. On, near, or by the time or age of: at three o'clock; at 72 years of age.9. On account of; because of: rejoice at a victory.10. By way of; through: exited at the rear gate.11. In accord with; following: at my request.12. Dependent upon: at the mercy of the court.13. Occupied with: at work.Idiom: at it Informal Engaged in verbal or physical conflict; arguing or fighting: The neighbors are at it again.
[Middle English, from Old English æt; see ad- in Indo-European roots.]


abbr. attotesla


(æt) prep1. used to indicate location or position: are they at the table?; staying at a small hotel. 2. towards; in the direction of: looking at television; throwing stones at windows. 3. used to indicate position in time: come at three o'clock. 4. engaged in; in a state of (being): children at play; stand at ease; he is at his most charming today. 5. (in expressions concerned with habitual activity) during the passing of (esp in the phrase at night): he used to work at night. 6. for; in exchange for: it's selling at four pounds. 7. used to indicate the object of an emotion: angry at the driver; shocked at his behaviour. 8. where it's at slang the real place of action[Old English æt; related to Old Norse at to, Latin ad to]


(ɑːt; æt) n, pl at (Currencies) a Laotian monetary unit worth one hundredth of a kip[from Thai]


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Austria


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) astatine symbol for (Units) Also: A ampere-turn


abbreviation for (Education) attainment target


(æt; unstressed ət, ɪt)

prep. 1. (used to indicate a point or place occupied in space); in, on, or near: to stand at the door. 2. (used to indicate a location or position, as in time, on a scale, or in order): at age 65; at zero; at the end. 3. (used to indicate incidence or occurrence): at the sound of the bell; at low tide. 4. (used to indicate presence or location): at home; at hand. 5. (used to indicate amount, degree, or rate): at great speed; at high altitudes. 6. (used to indicate a direction, goal, or objective); toward: Look at that. 7. (used to indicate occupation or involvement): at work; at play. 8. (used to indicate a state or condition): at ease; at peace. 9. (used to indicate a cause or source): She was annoyed at their carelessness. 10. (used to indicate relative quality or value): at one's best; at cost. [before 900; Middle English; Old English æt, c. Old Frisian et, Old Saxon, Old Norse, Gothic at, Old High German az, Latin ad]


(ɑt, æt)
n., pl. at. a monetary unit of Laos, equal to 1/100 of a kip. [1950–55; < Lao; ultimately < Pali aṭṭha eight]


var. of ad- before t: attend.


1. achievement test. 2. antitank.




Chem. Symbol. astatine.


1. atmosphere. 2. atomic. 3. attorney.


The symbol for astatine.


1. place or position

At is used to talk about where something is or where something happens.

There was a staircase at the end of the hallway.

You often use at to mean 'next to' or 'beside'.

He waited at the door.

You say that someone sits at a table or desk.

I was sitting at my desk, reading.

If you want to mention the building where something is or where something happens, you usually use at.

We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough.He lived at 14 Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow.

In British English, you say that someone is at school or at university when you want to say that they study there.

He had done some acting at school.After a year at university, Ben joined the army.

Speakers of American English usually say that someone is in school.

They met in high school.See school - university

You say that something happens at a meeting, ceremony, or party.

The whole family were at the funeral.They met at a dinner party.
2. time

At is also used to say when something happens.

You use at when you are mentioning a precise time.

At 2.30 a.m. he returned.The train leaves at 9 a.m.

If you want to know the precise time when something happened or will happen, you can say 'At what time...?' but people usually say 'What time...'' or 'When...?'

When does the boat leave?'We're having a party on the beach.' – 'What time?' – 'At nine.'

You can say that something happened or will happen 'at dawn', 'at dusk', or 'at night'.

She had come in at dawn.It was ten o'clock at night.

However, you say that something happened or will happen 'in the morning', 'in the afternoon', or 'in the evening'.

If something happens at a meal time, it happens while the meal is being eaten.

Let's talk about it at dinner.

You say that something happens at Christmas or at Easter.

She sent a card at Christmas.

However, you say that something happens on a particular day during Christmas or Easter.

They played cricket on Christmas Day.

In British English, at is usually used with weekend.

I went home at the weekend.

American speakers usually use on or over with weekend.

I had a class on the weekend.What are you doing over the weekend?
Noun1.at - a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series)At - a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series); a decay product of uranium and thoriumastatine, atomic number 85chemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matterhalogen - any of five related nonmetallic elements (fluorine or chlorine or bromine or iodine or astatine) that are all monovalent and readily form negative ions2.at - 100 at equal 1 kip in LaosLaotian monetary unit - monetary unit in Laoskip - the basic unit of money in Laos


(ӕt) preposition showing. 1. position. They are not at home; She lives at 33 Forest Road 在...(表示位置) 在...(表示位置) 2. direction. He looked at her; She shouted at the boys. 向...(表示方向) 向…(表示方向) 3. time. He arrived at ten o'clock; The children came at the sound of the bell. 在...時間(表示時間) 在...时间(表示时间) 4. state or occupation. The countries are at war; She is at work. 在...中(表示狀態) 在...中(表示状态) 5. pace or speed. He drove at 120 kilometres per hour. 以...速度(表示步調或速度) 以...速率(表示步调或速度) 6. cost. bread at $1.20 a loaf. 以...價格(表示價格) 以…价格(表示价格) at all in any way. I don't like it at all. 根本 根本


  • My plane leaves at ...
  • I can't find the at sign
  • I'm delighted to meet you at last
  • AT


    symbol for the element astatineastatine
    [Gr.,=unstable], semimetallic radioactive chemical element; symbol At; at. no. 85; at. wt. of most stable isotope 210; m.p. 302&degC; (estimated); b.p. 337&degC; (estimated); density unknown; valence believed to be +1, +3, +5, or +7.
    ..... Click the link for more information.


    Abbrev. for Australia Telescope.


    (mechanics) technical atmosphere


    (chemistry) astatine


    1. Abbr. for asphalt tile. 2. On drawings, abbr. for “airtight.”


    a Laotian monetary unit worth one hundredth of a kip.


    (1)IBM PC AT


    (character)commercial at.


    (networking)The country code for Austria.


    (1) See assistive technology.

    (2) (Advanced Technology) IBM's first 286-based PC, introduced in 1984. The PC AT featured a new keyboard, a higher-capacity 5.25" floppy (1.2MB) and a 16-bit data bus. AT-class machines ran considerably faster than the earlier 8088-based XT PCs. See 286 and AT bus.

    The fastest PC in 1984. Users were amazed at the extraordinary speed of the 286 with its huge 20MB hard disk. (Image courtesy of IBM.)




     [as´tah-tēn] a chemical element, atomic number 85, atomic weight 210, symbol At. (See Appendix 6.)


    Abbreviation for the adenine-thymine hydrogen-bonded base pair observed in double-stranded polynucleotides.


    Symbol for astatine.


    The area of a circle, the diameter of which equals the section thickness (At = πT2/4, where T is the section thickness).


    Abbreviation for:
    acceleration therapeutics
    Achilles tendon
    action tremor
    acute thrombosis
    acute tonsillitis
    adenomatoid tumour
    adoptive transfer
    aerobic training
    agglutination test
    air temperature
    air trapping
    alopecia totalis
    alternative therapy
    ambient temperature
    anaerobic threshold
    anterior temporal
    anterior tibial
    arterial tension
    arterial thrombosis
    assistive technology (Medspeak-UK) 
    atrial tachycardia
    atrial tachyarrhythmia
    atrophic thyroiditis
    autogenic training
    autoimmune thrombocytopenia
    autoimmune thyroiditis
    autologous transfusion
    autologous transplantation
    axillary temperature


    Abbreviation for adipose tissue; atrial tachycardia.


    Abbreviation for astatine.


    ATAdvanced Technology (IBM PC AT personal computer)
    ATAutomatic Transmission
    ATAppalachian Trail
    ATAvailable Time (Itu-T)
    ATAccess Time
    ATAccess Type
    ATAir Traffic
    ATAir Transport
    ATAnnual Training
    ATAnnual Tour
    ATApplication Technologies
    ATAustria (top-level domain name)
    ATAdvanced Treatment (environment)
    ATAppropriate Technology
    ATAnimal Transport
    ATAccess Transport (Sprint)
    ATApplication Tape
    ATArmy Training
    ATAmerica's Talking (NBC show; 1994 and 1995)
    ATAcceptance Trial
    ATAcceptance Testing
    ATAll That (Nickelodeon TV show)
    ATApplied Technology
    ATAnti-Trojan (computer security)
    ATAcceptance Test
    ATAtlantic Time
    ATAutomotive Technology
    ATAlpha Track (detection)
    ATAlexander Technik
    ATAlert Time
    ATIn Transit (Austrian cancel mark; philately)
    ATAudit Trail
    ATAir Temperature
    ATAbsolute Terror
    ATArranged Team (gaming)
    ATAwaiting Transportation
    ATAwaiting Transfer
    ATAlaska Telecommunications
    ATAcquisition Team
    ATAcceptance Trials
    ATArmy Transformation (US Army)
    ATAccident du Travail (French: Work Accident)
    ATAlpine Touring (skiing equipment)
    ATAtomic Time
    ATAll Terrain
    ATApplicant Tracking (human resources)
    ATAtomic Terrorism
    ATAstronomy Tower (fanfiction)
    ATActive Terminator (SCSI terminator)
    ATAviation Electronics Technician (USN Rating)
    ATAnchorage Times (Anchorage, AK newspaper)
    ATAnalytical Task
    ATAverage Torque
    ATAttribute Table
    ATAmbient Temperature
    ATAllowance Type
    ATAtmospheric Transmission
    ATArgentine Tango
    ATAccess Tandem
    ATAuto Transformer
    ATArmy Telegraph (philatelic overprint, South Africa)
    ATAltes Testament (German: Old Testament)
    ATAlkaline Trio (band)
    ATArmored Trooper (anime)
    ATAveraging Time
    ATAdministrative Trainee
    ATAutomatic Ticketing
    ATAntarctic Treaty
    ATAssistive Technology
    ATAsynchronous Terminal
    ATAsynchronous Transmission
    ATAcademically Talented
    ATAlternative Tentacles (record label)
    ATAssay Ton
    ATAvian Tuberculosis
    ATAshmore and Cartier Islands
    ATAttestation Standard (accounting)
    ATAppleTalk (Apple local area network technology)
    ATAnaerobic Threshold
    ATAtrial Tachycardia
    ATAerotech (model rocket corporation)
    ATAnandtech.com (website)
    ATArsenic Trioxide
    ATAfter Tendulkar (India, sports)
    ATAlimentary Tract
    ATAlta Tensión (Spanish: High Voltage)
    ATAntiguo Testamento (Spanish: from the bible)
    ATAutogenic Training (relaxation technique)
    ATAuto Throttle
    ATAtraumatic (physical exam)
    ATAdenine-Thymine (DNA base pairing)
    ATAzores Time (GMT-0200)
    ATApplanation Tonometry (ophthalmology)
    ATAsti, Piemonte (Italian province)
    ATAnterior Tibialis (dorsiflexor)
    ATAviation Electronics Technician (Navy Rate)
    ATApplanation Tonometer (ophthalmology)
    ATRoyal Air Maroc, Morocco (IATA airline code)
    AT3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole (organic compound)
    ATAngst Technology (web comic strip)
    ATAero Triangulation
    ATAmpere-Turn (measure of magneto motive force)
    ATAskarel Transformer
    ATAmpacity Tables
    ATAction Toolbelt (band)
    ATAnswering Tone
    ATAbnormal Transient
    ATAliveness Test
    ATAcceptance Tag
    ATAntenna Trainer
    ATTotal Attainable Search Area (US DoD)
    ATAstrometry Team
    ATApplanation Tension (pressure in the eye)
    ATAccelerator Operations and Technology
    ATAdaptive Two-Step (IEEE)
    ATArabesque Travel
    ATAutonomous Transporter
    ATAntithromin Activity
    ATArchitectural Technologist/Techinician (professional accreditation)


    • noun

    Synonyms for At

    noun a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series)


    • astatine
    • atomic number 85

    Related Words

    • chemical element
    • element
    • halogen

    noun 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos

    Related Words

    • Laotian monetary unit
    • kip




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