Acronym | Definition |
ESAT➣Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (French: Preparation and Service Support Through Work) |
ESAT➣École Supérieure des Arts et Techniques (French: Graduate School of Arts and Techniques) |
ESAT➣Employee Satisfaction |
ESAT➣École Supérieure et d'Application des Transmissions (French: Higher School of Communications and Application) |
ESAT➣Early Secreted Antigenic Target (protein) |
ESAT➣Enterprise Systems Analysis Technology (United Arab Emirates) |
ESAT➣Electrician's Self-Assessment Tool |
ESAT➣Education Sector Advisory Team (Ministry of Education and Sports; Nepal) |
ESAT➣Emergency Services Assistance Team |
ESAT➣Ethiopian Students Association of Texas |