CCRICommunity College of Rhode Island
CCRICalifornia Civil Rights Initiative
CCRIColumbus Children's Research Institute
CCRICentral Cotton Research Institute (Pakistan)
CCRIChildren's Clinical Research Institute
CCRICountryside and Community Research Institute (UK)
CCRICentral Coffee Research Institute (now Indian Institute of Coffee Research)
CCRICommand Cyber Readiness Inspection (US DoD)
CCRIColorado Casino Resorts Inc. (Cripple Creek, CO)
CCRIConseille Canadien des Rélations Industrielles
CCRICoordinated Community Response Initiative
CCRICentre Commun de Ressources Informatiques (French: Joint Center for Computer Resources)
CCRICentre Culturel Régional Indien de la Réunion (French: Regional Indian Cultural Center of Réunion; Réunion, France)