

单词 ecstasy



E0032900 (ĕk′stə-sē)n. pl. ec·sta·sies 1. Intense joy or delight.2. A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self-control: an ecstasy of rage.3. The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.4. often Ecstasy Slang MDMA.
[Middle English extasie, from Old French, from Late Latin extasis, terror, from Greek ekstasis, astonishment, distraction, from existanai, to displace, derange : ek-, out of; see ecto- + histanai, to place; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈɛkstəsɪ) n, pl -sies1. (often plural) a state of exalted delight, joy, etc; rapture2. intense emotion of any kind: an ecstasy of rage. 3. (Psychology) psychol overpowering emotion characterized by loss of self-control and sometimes a temporary loss of consciousness: often associated with orgasm, religious mysticism, and the use of certain drugs4. archaic a state of prophetic inspiration, esp of poetic rapture5. (Pharmacology) slang 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine; MDMA: a powerful drug that acts as a stimulant and can produce hallucinations[C14: from Old French extasie, via Medieval Latin from Greek ekstasis displacement, trance, from existanai to displace, from ex- out + histanai to cause to stand]


(ˈɛk stə si)

n., pl. -sies. 1. rapturous delight. 2. an overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden, intense feeling. 3. the frenzy of poetic inspiration. 4. mental transport or rapture from the contemplation of divine things. 5. (often cap.) Slang. See MDMA. [1350–1400; Middle English extasie < Middle French < Medieval Latin extasis < Greek ékstasis displacement, trance] syn: ecstasy, rapture, transport, exaltation share a sense of being taken out of oneself or one's normal state and entering a state of heightened feeling. ecstasy suggests an emotion so overpowering as to produce a trancelike state: religious ecstasy; an ecstasy of grief. rapture most often refers to an elevated sensation of bliss or delight, either carnal or spiritual: the rapture of first love. transport suggests a strength of feeling that often results in expression of some kind: in a transport of delight. exaltation refers to a heady sense of personal well-being so powerful that one is lifted above normal emotional levels: wild exaltation at having finally broken the record.
Noun1.ecstasy - a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotionecstasy - a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; "listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"- Charles Dickensexaltation, rapture, raptus, transportemotional state, spirit - the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection); "his emotional state depended on her opinion"; "he was in good spirits"; "his spirit rose"
2.ecstasy - a state of elated blissrapturebliss, blissfulness, cloud nine, seventh heaven, walking on air - a state of extreme happiness
3.ecstasy - street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamineecstasy - street names for methylenedioxymethamphetaminecristal, disco biscuit, hug drug, XTC, go, X, AdamMDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine - a stimulant drug that is chemically related to mescaline and amphetamine and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects; it was formerly used in psychotherapy but in 1985 it was declared illegal in the United States; "MDMA is often used at parties because it enables partygoers to remain active for long periods of time"


noun rapture, delight, joy, enthusiasm, frenzy, bliss, trance, euphoria, fervour, elation, rhapsody, exaltation, transport, ravishment the agony and ecstasy of holiday romance
suffering, pain, hell, torture, distress, misery, agony, torment, anguish, afflictionQuotations
"To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life" [Walter Pater Studies in the History of the Renaissance]
"Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy,"
"And I am richer then than all my Fellow Men" [Emily Dickinson]
"To be bewitched is not to be saved, though all the magicians and aesthetes in the world should pronounce it to be so" [George Santayana The Life of Reason: Reason in Art]


nounA state of elated bliss:heaven, paradise, rapture, seventh heaven, transport.Informal: cloud nine.


(ˈekstəsi) 1. noun, plural ˈecstasies (a feeling of) very great joy or other overwhelming emotion. 狂喜,入迷 狂喜,入迷 2. (no plural) a narcotic drug. 快樂丸(一種迷幻藥) 迷幻药ecˈstatic (-ˈstӕ-) adjectivean ecstatic mood. 欣喜若狂的 欣喜若狂的ecˈstatically adverb 欣喜若狂地 欣喜若狂地





slang The drug MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Come on, everyone does a little ecstasy before a night of clubbing!


(ˈɛkstəsi) n. a hallucinogen similar to LSD. (Drugs.) Chemicals with names like “Ecstasy” are being put on the streets every day.



either of two drugs used for their euphoric effects. The original ecstasy, a so-called designer drug, also known as MDMA, is an analog of methamphetamine (see amphetamineamphetamine
, any one of a group of drugs that are powerful central nervous system stimulants. Amphetamines have stimulating effects opposite to the effects of depressants such as alcohol, narcotics, and barbiturates.
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). The other drug is a substance also known as ma huang or ephedra; it was marketed as "herbal ecstasy" to promote the idea that it is a natural and safe form of ecstasy. The active ingredient of herbal ecstasy is ephedrineephedrine
, drug derived from plants of the genus Ephedra (see Pinophyta), most commonly used to prevent mild or moderate attacks of bronchial asthma. Unlike epinephrine, to which it is chemically similar, ephedrine is slow to take effect and of mild potency and long
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(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Ecstasy is that higher state of consciousness common to all mystics in which the self is identified with God and, while different language is used, is seen as being united with God. During the state of ecstasy, the mystic is entranced and more or less oblivious to the external world, his or her attention being focused on the object of the original contemplation. Those who experience ecstasy find it a most enjoyable state. Ecstasy is the name given the psycho-physical state accompanying the mystical vision, and the quality of the vision will itself be relative to the spiritual state of the individual. Some people find moving into an ecstatic state relatively easy; others find it a rare occurrence.

Ecstasy is a trancelike state that may be more or less deep and last varying lengths of time. During the period of ecstasy, the body becomes somewhat rigid, retaining the position it was in when the ecstatic state was entered. Often, the body does not respond to outside stimuli, and sometimes observers will test mystics by sticking them with pins or attempting to burn them with a candle flame. Accounts of such tests are common in the biographies and reports on many mystics and visionaries. The ecstatic state usually includes a period of awareness of the object of contemplation, and even communication. It may also be followed by a state of unconsciousness not unlike a cataleptic state, in which the body remains rigid but the mystic feels great joy. The phenomenon of the rigid body is common not only to mystics, but to various people who might go into trance, such as Spiritualist mediums.

In evaluating the mystics, especially those who have later been canonized in the Roman Catholic tradition, ecstasy forms an interesting aspect of their spiritual life, but more concentration is placed upon the piety accompanying such states, the quality of any communications received from God, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary while entranced, and the life that flows from having experienced such states. It is noted that many people who have experienced multiple apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been seen to enter an ecstatic state, and their ecstasy (and the tests performed while in those states) have been put forth to credential them. While doubts about visionaries being in ecstasy have been used to discredit them, the substantiation of their ecstasy has been one of the lesser criteria in the church offering its approval of them. In the case of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the quality of the messages received from Mary and the evaluation of the life of the seer have been far more important.

It has been noted that ecstatic states have not been exclusive to the religious, or to the religious of just a few religious traditions. Besides being ubiquitous to all religions, it is also found among artists of various stripes (composers, singers, painters, etc.), suggesting that some people are born with a tendency to ecstasy or an ability to enter trance states that may be expressed in a variety of ways. Such approaches to the mystical life tend to judge it more a product of biology and social training than any particular spirituality. That is, entrance into an ecstatic state is much more a product of the body and psyche than of any particular supernatural or divine force in operation.

Those who experience ecstasy describe it in the most superlative terms. They also describe in a variety of languages their ultimate union with a Divine Transcendent Reality, and their attempts to relate to others the nature of their experience almost always falls into vague abstractions or the theology in which they have been trained. They may also make fine distinctions between stages of the whole ecstatic experience. The scientific study of ecstasy with the same instrumentation that has been used to study the many other states of consciousness is, by the very nature of ecstasy’s appearances, still in a rudimentary state.


Almond, Philip. Mystical Experience and Religious Doctrine: An Investigation of the Study of Mysticism in World Religions. Berlin and New York: Mouton, 1982.Ellwood, Robert. Mysticism and Religion. New York: Seven Bridges Press, 1998.Forman, Robert K. C., ed. The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.McGinn, Bernard. The Foundations of Mysticism. New York: Crossroad Press, 1991.Underhill, Evelyn. Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Man’s Spiritual Consciousness. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1961.


[′ek·stə·sē] (medicine) A trancelike state with loss of sensory perception and voluntary control.


1. Psychol overpowering emotion characterized by loss of self-control and sometimes a temporary loss of consciousness: often associated with orgasm, religious mysticism, and the use of certain drugs 2. Slang 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; MDMA: a powerful drug that acts as a stimulant and can produce hallucinations



(eks'tă-sē), Avoid the misspellings ecstacy and exstasy.1. The popular name for 304 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. 2. A drug of abuse, used at clubs, raves, and rock concerts. This agent was first synthesized in Germany in the early 1900s and used during World War I to induce soldiers to charge from the line of trenches into the line of fire. It acts acutely to increase energy, provide a sense of camaraderie and attachment, increase sexual desire, and induce euphoria. Besides sexual side effects, produces increased heart rate, chills, seating, dehyration, and various strictly psychiatric symptoms. Dosages not much higher than recreational amounts can be toxic to serotonergic and other neurons. Long-term use associated with changes in serotonergic neurons may predispose an abuser to long-term psychiatric symptoms. 3. Mental exaltation, and/or a rapturous experience.


(ĕk′stə-sē)n. pl. ecsta·sies often Ecstasy Slang MDMA.


Hug drug, love drug Substance abuse An oral designer analogue of amphetamine, a 'schedule I' controlled substance which may be fatal due to heat exhaustion and dehydration, combination with methadone, LSD, opiates–eg, heroin or Fentanyl, or anesthetics–eg, Ketamine; it is a popular 'recreational' drug of abuse, especially in a dance-party–see Rave–setting; at moderate doses, it causes euphoria, sense of well-being, enhanced mental or emotional clarity; at higher doses, hallucinations, sensations of lightness, depression, paranoid thinking, violent behavior Toxicity Serotonin neurotoxicity, sweating, dilated pupils, blurred vision, tachycardia, arrhythmias, fever, spasticity, hypotension, bronchospasm, acidosis, anorexia, N&V, HTN, faintness, chills, insomnia, convulsions, loss of voluntary muscle control, anxiety, or paranoia. See Designer drugs, 'Ice. ', Rave party. Cf Eve.


(ek'stă-sē) A drug of abuse used especially at clubs and raves; increases energy, heightens sexual urges, and induces euphoria. Even small recreational dosage can lead to hazardous reactions.


A popular name for the drug 3,4-methylene dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a hallucinogenic amphetamine with effects that are a combination of those of LSD and amphetamine (amfetamine). Ecstasy is widely used to promote an appropriate state of mind at ‘rave’ all-night dance session, but the combination of strenuous physical exercise and the direct toxic effect of the drug has led to a number of deaths in young people. Such death result from an uncontrolled rise in body temperature (hyperthermia), kidney failure, muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) and sometimes liver failure. Urgent measures to reduce body core temperature can save life. The drug can also precipitate a persistent paranoid PSYCHOSIS. Claims that ecstasy can damage the dopamine system of the brain and cause Parkinson's disease have been discredited.


(ek'stă-sē) A drug of abuse, used at clubs, raves, and rock concerts.
See E
See MPAA Movie Rating for Adults Only


  • noun

Synonyms for ecstasy

noun rapture


  • rapture
  • delight
  • joy
  • enthusiasm
  • frenzy
  • bliss
  • trance
  • euphoria
  • fervour
  • elation
  • rhapsody
  • exaltation
  • transport
  • ravishment


  • suffering
  • pain
  • hell
  • torture
  • distress
  • misery
  • agony
  • torment
  • anguish
  • affliction

Synonyms for ecstasy

noun a state of elated bliss


  • heaven
  • paradise
  • rapture
  • seventh heaven
  • transport
  • cloud nine

Synonyms for ecstasy

noun a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion


  • exaltation
  • rapture
  • raptus
  • transport

Related Words

  • emotional state
  • spirit

noun a state of elated bliss


  • rapture

Related Words

  • bliss
  • blissfulness
  • cloud nine
  • seventh heaven
  • walking on air

noun street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine


  • cristal
  • disco biscuit
  • hug drug
  • XTC
  • go
  • X
  • Adam

Related Words

  • MDMA
  • methylenedioxymethamphetamine




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