Acronym | Definition |
CCOT➣Código de Operación de Traslado |
CCOT➣Critical Care Outreach Team |
CCOT➣Child Care Orientation Training |
CCOT➣Change-Over-Time |
CCOT➣Cool Cruisers of Texas |
CCOT➣Change and Continuity Over Time (AP world history test) |
CCOT➣Center City Opera Theater (Philadelphia, PA) |
CCOT➣Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube system |
CCOT➣Centre de Coordination des Opérations et des Transmissions |
CCOT➣Centre County Office of Transportation |
CCOT➣Clear Cell Odontogenic Tumor |
CCOT➣Catholic Council of Trent |
CCOT➣Clark County Outreach Team (Nevada) |
CCOT➣Confederation of Consumer Organizations, Thailand |
CCOT➣Cosmic Church of Truth (Jacksonville, FL) |
CCOT➣Changing Concepts of Time |
CCOT➣Clarkson College of Technology |
CCOT➣Cambridge Community Outreach Tabernacle (Cambridge, MA) |
CCOT➣Calvary Chapel of the Triad |
CCOT➣Calgon Carbon Oxidation Technologies |
CCOT➣Computer Centers of Operations Training |
CCOT➣Collision Center of Temecula (Temecula, CA) |
CCOT➣Concerned Citizens of Today |
CCOT➣Cayuga County Office of Tourism (New York) |
CCOT➣Columbus Celebration of Tampa |
CCOT➣Centro de Cirurgia Ortopédica e Traumatológica |
CCOT➣California College of Technology (Sacramento, CA) |
CCOT➣Cahier des Charges des Opérations Terrain |
CCOT➣Convention des Nations Unies contre le crime organisé transnational |
CCOT➣Canadian College of Online Training |