Briusov, Aleksandr

Briusov, Aleksandr Iakovlevich


Born Sept. 17 (29), 1885, in Moscow; died there on Dec. 1, 1966. Soviet archaeologist; doctor of historical sciences (1943). Member of the CPSU from 1953. Brother of the poet V. Ia. Briusov.

Briusov was a specialist in the history of the tribes of the European USSR in the Neolithic and Bronze ages. His main works were The History of Ancient Karelia (1940), Essays on the History of the Tribes of the European USSR in the Neolithic Age (1952), and “Eastern Europe in the Third Millennium B.C.” (in Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1965, no. 2). He was awarded the Order of Lenin.


Raushenbakh, V. M. “K 80-letiiu A. Ia. Briusova.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1965, no. 3. (List of Briusov’s works.)