Crosby capsule

Cros·by cap·sule

(kroz'bē), an attachment to the end of a flexible tube, used for peroral biopsy of the small intestine, by which a piece of mucosa is sucked into an opening in the capsule and cut off.

Crosby capsule

(krŏz′bē) [William Holmes Crosby, Jr., U.S. physician, 1914–2005] A device attached to a flexible tube that is introduced into the gastrointestinal tract per os. It is designed so that a sample of tissue may be obtained from the mucosal surface with which it is in contact. The capsule is then removed and the tissue examined for evidence of pathological changes.

Crosby capsule

A spring-loaded device on the end of a fine tube that is swallowed and then triggered to obtain a sample of the lining of the JEJUNUM for microscopic examination for the diagnosis of malabsorption disorders. (William Holmes Crosby, American physician, B. 1914).


William Holmes, Jr., U.S. physician, 1914–. Crosby capsule - an attachment to the end of a flexible tube used for peroral biopsy of the small intestine.Crosby syndrome - recessive trait causing hemolytic anemia.