Acronym | Definition |
ECPE➣Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (English Language Institute, Office of Testing and Certification, University of Michigan) |
ECPE➣Electrical and Computer Engineering |
ECPE➣Early Childhood Parent Education (various locations) |
ECPE➣Enrichment Center Percussion Ensemble |
ECPE➣Early Childhood and Primary Education |
ECPE➣Eating Concerns Peer Educators |
ECPE➣Economic Change, Poverty and Environment (project) |
ECPE➣European Centre of Public Enterprises |
ECPE➣European Congress of Physiotherapy Education |
ECPE➣Eastern Cornbelt Plains Ecoregion |
ECPE➣European Center for Power Electronics eV (Nuremberg, Germany) |
ECPE➣Early Childhood Pathways Exams |