Condurachi, Emil
Condurachi, Emil
Born Jan. 3, 1912, in Bucharest. Rumanian historian and archaeologist. Member of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (1955). Director of the Institute of Archaeology (1956–71); university professor in Bucharest (since 1940).
Condurachi’s principal investigations have been devoted to the remains of ancient Dobruja during the period of slaveholding society. He has also studied the history of the relations between the Greek and local populations.
Tezaurele monetare din regiunea carpato-dunăreană şi însemnătatea lor pentru trecutul romtnesc. No place, 1943.Histria. Bucharest, 1959.
Descoperiri arheologice in RPR. Bucharest, 1960.
L’archéologie Roumaine au XX siècle. Bucharest, 1963.