Acronym | Definition |
CCIT➣Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (UN treaty) |
CCIT➣Container Closure Integrity Testing (packaging) |
CCIT➣Container Closure Integrity Testing (pharmaceutical industry) |
CCIT➣California Center for Innovative Transportation |
CCIT➣Center for Computing and Information Technology |
CCIT➣Communication Culture and Information Technology |
CCIT➣Committee on Civilian Industrial Technology |
CCIT➣Comité Catholique International pour les Tsiganes (French: International Catholic Committee for Gypsies) |
CCIT➣Columbia College Information Technology (New York, NY) |
CCIT➣Chambre de Commerce d'Industrie de Toulouse |
CCIT➣International Telegraphic Advisory Committee |
CCIT➣Can China International Tours (Canada) |
CCIT➣College of Computer and Information Technology (Ludhiana, India) |