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erythropsia (ˌɛrɪˈθrɒpsɪə) n (Pathology) med a defect of vision in which objects appear rederythropsia
erythropsia[‚er·ə′thräp·sē·ə] (medicine) An abnormality of vision in which all objects appear red; red vision. Also known as erythropia. erythropsia
erythropsia [er″ĭ-throp´se-ah] a chromatopsia in which objects appear tinged with red.er·y·throp·si·a (er'i-throp'sē-ă), An abnormality of vision in which all objects appear to be tinged with red. Synonym(s): red vision [erythro- + G. ōps, eye] er·y·throp·si·a , erythropia (er'ith-rop'sē-ă er'i-thrōpē-ă) An abnormality of vision in which all objects appear to be tinged with red. [erythro- + G. ōps, eye]erythropsia Red vision. A visual disorder in which all objects appear red.chromatopsia Abnormal condition in which objects appear falsely coloured. Depending upon the colour seen, the chromatopsia is called xanthopsia (yellow vision), erythropsia (red vision), chloropsia (green vision) or cyanopsia (blue vision). This condition may appear after a cataract operation (blue and red vision) or following exposure to an intense illumination (red vision) or in people suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen deprivation. This may cause some damage to the areas of the visual cortex involved in the processing of colour perception, because these areas are supplied with more blood vessels than other areas of the visual cortex. Syn. chromopsia. See euchromatopsia; xanthopsia. |