Acronym | Definition |
CCFA➣Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America |
CCFA➣College of Communication and Fine Arts |
CCFA➣Comité des Constructeurs Français d'Automobiles (French Automobile Manufacturers Committee) |
CCFA➣Codex Committee on Food Additives (US FDA) |
CCFA➣China Chain Store & Franchise Association |
CCFA➣Chambre de Commerce Franco-Arabe |
CCFA➣Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals |
CCFA➣Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand (French: Franco-German Cultural Center) |
CCFA➣Child Care First Aid |
CCFA➣Caring for Children and Families with AIDS (Los Angeles, CA) |
CCFA➣Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association |
CCFA➣Children's Craniofacial Association |
CCFA➣Chambre de Commerce Française en Allemagne (French: French Chamber of Commerce in Germany; Germany; est. 1957) |
CCFA➣China Chemical Fibers Association |
CCFA➣Centre de Conservation de la Faune Ailée |
CCFA➣Collective Conditional Fee Agreement (English/Welsh law) |
CCFA➣Council of Chartered Financial Analysts |
CCFA➣Christian Children's Fund of Australia |
CCFA➣Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002 |
CCFA➣Cheshire County Football Association (UK) |
CCFA➣Central Coast Forest Association |
CCFA➣Connections Contemporary Fine Arts |
CCFA➣Camosun College Faculty Association |
CCFA➣Capilano College Faculty Association |
CCFA➣Contemporary Chinese Fine Art (Laguna Beach, CA) |
CCFA➣Community College Faculty Association |
CCFA➣Cabral, Cunha Ferreira & Associados, Lda (Portugal) |
CCFA➣Cloverdale Community Football Association |
CCFA➣Children's Cancer Fund of America |