

单词 conduction



C0555700 (kən-dŭk′shən)n. The transmission or conveying of something through a medium or passage, especially the transmission of electric charge or heat through a conducting medium without perceptible motion of the medium itself.


(kənˈdʌkʃən) n1. (General Physics) the transfer of energy by a medium without bulk movement of the medium itself: heat conduction; electrical conduction; sound conduction. Compare convection12. (Physiology) the transmission of an electrical or chemical impulse along a nerve fibre3. the act of conveying or conducting, as through a pipe4. (General Physics) physics another name for conductivity1 conˈductional adj


(kənˈdʌk ʃən)

n. 1. the act of conducting, as of water through a pipe. 2. a. the transfer of heat between two parts of a stationary system at different temperatures. b. conductivity (def. 1). 3. the carrying of sound waves, electrons, heat, or nerve impulses by a nerve or other tissue. [1530–40; < Latin] con•duc′tion•al, adj.


(kən-dŭk′shən) The flow of energy, such as heat or an electric charge, through a substance. In heat conduction, the energy flows by direct contact of the substance's molecules with each other. Although the molecules vibrate, they do not change position in the transfer of energy. In electrical conduction, energy flows by the movement of electrons or ions.Did You Know? Heat is a form of energy that results in the motion of molecules. Heat travels by conduction, convection, or radiation. In conduction, heat spreads through a solid by making its molecules vibrate faster. As faster molecules bump slower ones, the slower ones are made to vibrate faster, and the solid becomes hotter. This is how the handle of a teaspoon sticking out of a cup of hot tea eventually gets hot. When liquids and gases are heated, their molecules, which are free to move about, move farther apart. The hotter portions of the liquid or gas expand, become less dense, and rise, and cooler portions move down to take their place. This movement causes the liquid or gas to circulate in the process called convection. The currents of the ocean are convection currents caused by the uneven heating of the ocean waters by the sun. Radiation carries heat in the form of waves through space. A hot object, like the hot wire in a heat lamp, gives off energy waves called infrared rays. When these rays strike an object, its molecules absorb the rays' energy and vibrate or move faster, and so the object becomes hotter. The sunlight that warms your face has traveled through 93 million miles of space by radiation.


1. The transfer of heat from molecule to molecule.2. The flow of electrons from atom to atom through a conductor.
Noun1.conduction - the transmission of heat or electricity or soundconductivityphysical phenomenon - a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energyelectrical conduction - the passage of electricity through a conductor


(kənˈdakt) verb1. to lead or guide. We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour. 引導 引导2. to carry or allow to flow. Most metals conduct electricity. 傳導 传导3. to direct (an orchestra, choir etc). 指揮 指挥4. to behave (oneself). He conducted himself well at the reception. 行為表現 行为表现5. to manage or carry on (a business). 經營 经营 (ˈkondakt) noun1. behaviour. His conduct at school was disgraceful. 行為 行为2. the way in which something is managed, done etc. the conduct of the affair. 實施 实施conducted tour noun 導覽 导游conˈduction (-ʃən) noun transmission of heat etc by a conductor. (透過導管)傳導(熱能等) 传导conˈductor noun1. a thing that conducts heat or electricity. Copper is a good conductor of heat. 熱導管,電導體 导体2. a director of an orchestra, choir etc. 樂團或合唱團指揮 指挥3. (feminine conˈductress) a person who collects fares on a bus etc. a bus conductor. 公車收票員 售票员4. (American) a guard on a train. 列車員 列车员



transfer of heatheat,
nonmechanical energy in transit, associated with differences in temperature between a system and its surroundings or between parts of the same system. Measures of Heat
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 or electricityelectricity,
class of phenomena arising from the existence of charge. The basic unit of charge is that on the proton or electron—the proton's charge is designated as positive while the electron's is negative.
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 through a substance, resulting from a difference in temperaturetemperature,
measure of the relative warmth or coolness of an object. Temperature is measured by means of a thermometer or other instrument having a scale calibrated in units called degrees. The size of a degree depends on the particular temperature scale being used.
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 between different parts of the substance, in the case of heat, or from a difference in electric potentialpotential, electric,
work per unit of electric charge expended in moving a charged body from a reference point to any given point in an electric field (see electrostatics).
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, in the case of electricity. Since heat is energyenergy,
in physics, the ability or capacity to do work or to produce change. Forms of energy include heat, light, sound, electricity, and chemical energy. Energy and work are measured in the same units—foot-pounds, joules, ergs, or some other, depending on the system of
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 associated with the motions of the particles making up the substance, it is transferred by such motions, shifting from regions of higher temperature, where the particles are more energetic, to regions of lower temperature. The rate of heat flow between two regions is proportional to the temperature difference between them and the heat conductivity of the substance. In solids, the molecules themselves are bound and contribute to conduction of heat mainly by vibrating against neighboring molecules; a more important mechanism, however, is the migration of energetic free electrons through the solid. Metals, which have a high free-electron density, are good conductors of heat, while nonmetals, such as wood or glass, have few free electrons and do not conduct as well. Especially poor conductors, such as asbestos, have been used as insulators to impede heat flow (see insulationinsulation
, use of materials or devices to inhibit or prevent the conduction of heat or of electricity. Common heat insulators are, fur, feathers, fiberglass, cellulose fibers, stone, wood, and wool; all are poor conductors of heat.
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). Liquids and gases have their molecules farther apart and are generally poor conductors of heat. Conduction of electricity consists of the flow of chargescharge,
property of matter that gives rise to all electrical phenomena (see electricity). The basic unit of charge, usually denoted by e, is that on the proton or the electron; that on the proton is designated as positive (+e
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 as a result of an electromotive force, or potential difference. The rate of flow, i.e., the electric current, is proportional to the potential difference and to the electrical conductivity of the substance, which in turn depends on the nature of the substance, its cross-sectional area, and its temperature. In solids, electric current consists of a flow of electrons; as in the case of heat conduction, metals are better conductors of electricity because of their greater free-electron density, while nonmetals, such as rubber, are poor conductors and may be used as electrical insulators, or dielectricsdielectric
, material that does not conduct electricity readily, i.e., an insulator (see insulation). A good dielectric should also have other properties: It must resist breakdown under high voltages; it should not itself draw appreciable power from the circuit; it must have
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. Increasing the cross-sectional area of a given conductor will increase the current because more electrons will be available for conduction. Increasing the temperature will inhibit conduction in a metal because the increased thermal motions of the electrons will tend to interfere with their regular flow in an electric current; in a nonmetal, however, an increase in temperature improves conduction because it frees more electrons. In liquids and gases, current consists not only in the flow of electrons but also in that of ions. A highly ionized liquid solution, e.g., saltwater, is a good conductor. Gases at high temperatures tend to become ionized and thus become good conductors (see plasmaplasma,
in physics, fully ionized gas of low density, containing approximately equal numbers of positive and negative ions (see electron and ion). It is electrically conductive and is affected by magnetic fields.
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), although at ordinary temperatures they tend to be poor conductors. See electrochemistryelectrochemistry,
science dealing with the relationship between electricity and chemical changes. Of principal interest are the reactions that take place between electrodes and the electrolytes in electric and electrolytic cells (see electrolysis), as well as the reactions that
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; electrolysiselectrolysis
, passage of an electric current through a conducting solution or molten salt that is decomposed in the process. The Electrolytic Process

The electrolytic process requires that an electrolyte, an ionized solution or molten metallic salt, complete an
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; superconductivitysuperconductivity,
abnormally high electrical conductivity of certain substances. The phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, who found that the resistance of mercury dropped suddenly to zero at a temperature of about 4.
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Conduction (electricity)

The passage of electric charges due to a force exerted on them by an electric field. Conductivity is the measure of the ability of a conductor to carry electric current; it is defined as the ratio of the amount of charge passing through unit area of the conductor (perpendicular to the current direction) per second divided by the electric field intensity (the force on a unit charge). Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity and is therefore commonly expressed in units of siemens per meter, abbreviated S/m. See Electrical resistivity

In metals and semiconductors (such as silicon, of which transistors are made) the charges that are responsible for current are free electrons and holes (which, as missing electrons, act like positive charges). These are electrons or holes not bound to any particular atom and therefore able to move freely in the field. Conductivity due to electrons is known as n-type conductivity; that due to holes is known as p-type. See Hole states in solids, Semiconductor

The conductivity of metals is much higher than that of semiconductors because they have many more free electrons or holes. The free electrons or holes come from the metal atoms. Semiconductors differ from metals in two important respects. First, the semiconductor atoms do not contribute free electrons or holes unless thermally excited, and second, free electrons or holes can also arise from impurities or defects.

An exception to some of the rules stated above has been found in conjugated polymers. Polyacetylene, for example, although a semiconductor with extremely high resistance when undoped, can be doped so heavily with certain nonmetallic impurities (iodine, for example) that it attains a conductivity comparable to that of copper.

In metals, although the number of free carriers does not vary with temperature, an increase in temperature decreases conductivity. The reason is that increasing temperature causes the lattice atoms to vibrate more strongly, impeding the motion of the free carriers in the field. This effect also occurs in semiconductors, but the increase in number of free carriers with temperature is usually a stronger effect. At low temperatures the thermal vibrations are weak, and the impediment to the motion of free carriers in the field comes from imperfections and impurities, which in metals usually does not vary with temperature. At the lowest temperatures, close to absolute zero, certain metals become superconductors, possessing infinite conductivity. See Superconductivity

Electrolytes conduct electricity by means of the positive and negative ions in solution. In ionic crystals, conduction may also take place by the motion of ions. This motion is much affected by the presence of lattice defects such as interstitial ions, vacancies, and foreign ions. See Ionic crystals

Electric current can flow through an evacuated region if electrons or ions are supplied. In a vacuum tube the current carriers are electrons emitted by a heated filament. The conductivity is low because only a small number of electrons can be “boiled off” at the normal temperatures of electron-emitting filaments. See Electron emission

Conduction (heat)

The flow of thermal energy through a substance from a higher- to a lower-temperature region. Heat conduction occurs by atomic or molecular interactions. Conduction is one of the three basic methods of heat transfer, the other two being convection and radiation. See Convection (heat), Heat radiation, Heat transfer

Steady-state conduction is said to exist when the temperature at all locations in a substance is constant with time, as in the case of heat flow through a uniform wall. Examples of essentially pure transient or periodic heat conduction and simple or complex combinations of the two are encountered in the heat-treating of metals, air conditioning, food processing, and the pouring and curing of large concrete structures. Also, the daily and yearly temperature variations near the surface of the Earth can be predicted reasonably well by assuming a simple sinusoidal temperature variation at the surface and treating the Earth as a semi-infinite solid. The widespread importance of transient heat flow in particular has stimulated the development of a large variety of analytical solutions to many problems. The use of many of these has been facilitated by presentation in graphical form.

For an example of the conduction process, consider a gas such as nitrogen which normally consists of diatomic molecules. The temperature at any location can be interpreted as a quantitative specification of the mean kinetic and potential energy stored in the molecules or atoms at this location. This stored energy will be partly kinetic because of the random translational and rotational velocities of the molecules, partly potential because of internal vibrations, and partly ionic if the temperature (energy) level is high enough to cause dissociation. The flow of energy results from the random travel of high-temperature molecules into low-temperature regions and vice versa. In colliding with molecules in the low-temperature region, the high temperature molecules give up some of their energy. The reverse occurs in the high-temperature region. These processes take place almost instantaneously in infinitesimal distances, the result being a quasi-equilibrium state with energy transfer. The mechanism for energy flow in liquids and solids is similar to that in gases in principle, but different in detail.


Movement of heat through a material. R-value is a measure of resistance to conductive heat flow.


[kən′dək·shən] (electricity) The passage of electric charge, which can occur by a variety of processes, such as the passage of electrons or ionized atoms. Also known as electrical conduction. (physics) Transmission of energy by a medium which does not involve movement of the medium itself.

Conduction (heat)

The flow of thermal energy through a substance from a higher- to a lower-temperature region. Heat conduction occurs by atomic or molecular interactions. Conduction is one of the three basic methods of heat transfer, the other two being convection and radiation. See Convection (heat), Heat transfer

Steady-state conduction is said to exist when the temperature at all locations in a substance is constant with time, as in the case of heat flow through a uniform wall. Examples of essentially pure transient or periodic heat conduction and simple or complex combinations of the two are encountered in the heat-treating of metals, air conditioning, food processing, and the pouring and curing of large concrete structures. Also, the daily and yearly temperature variations near the surface of the Earth can be predicted reasonably well by assuming a simple sinusoidal temperature variation at the surface and treating the Earth as a semi-infinite solid. The widespread importance of transient heat flow in particular has stimulated the development of a large variety of analytical solutions to many problems. The use of many of these has been facilitated by presentation in graphical form.

For an example of the conduction process, consider a gas such as nitrogen which normally consists of diatomic molecules. The temperature at any location can be interpreted as a quantitative specification of the mean kinetic and potential energy stored in the molecules or atoms at this location. This stored energy will be partly kinetic because of the random translational and rotational velocities of the molecules, partly potential because of internal vibrations, and partly ionic if the temperature (energy) level is high enough to cause dissociation. The flow of energy results from the random travel of high-temperature molecules into low-temperature regions and vice versa. In colliding with molecules in the low-temperature region, the high temperature molecules give up some of their energy. The reverse occurs in the high-temperature region. These processes take place almost instantaneously in infinitesimal distances, the result being a quasi-equilibrium state with energy transfer. The mechanism for energy flow in liquids and solids is similar to that in gases in principle, but different in detail.

thermal conduction

The process of heat transfer through a material medium in which kinetic energy is transmitted by particles of the material from particle to particle without gross displacement of the particles.


1. the transfer of energy by a medium without bulk movement of the medium itself 2. the transmission of an electrical or chemical impulse along a nerve fibre 3. Physics another name for conductivity



 [kon-duk´shun] conveyance of energy, as of heat, sound, or electricity.aberrant ventricular conduction the temporary abnormal intraventricular conduction of supraventricular impulses; called also ventricular aberration.aerial conduction (air conduction) conduction of sound waves to the organ of hearing in the inner ear through the air.anterograde conduction 1. forward conduction of impulses through a nerve.2. in the heart, conduction of impulses from atria to ventricles.atrioventricular conduction (AV conduction) the conduction of atrial impulses through the atrioventricular node and the His-Purkinje system to the ventricles.bone conduction conduction of sound waves to the inner ear through the bones of the skull.concealed conduction conduction that is not seen on the surface electrocardiogram but may be detected by its effect on subsequent impulses; common examples are the incomplete penetration of the AV junction during fibrillation" >atrial fibrillation, the Wenckebach type penetration during flutter" >atrial flutter, and the retrograde incomplete penetration following ventricular beats" >ectopic beats.decremental conduction a gradual decrease in the stimuli and response along a pathway of conduction; it occurs in fibers" >nerve fibers with reduced potentials" >membrane potentials.retrograde conduction transmission of a cardiac impulse backward in the ventricular to atrial direction; particularly, conduction from the atrioventricular node into the atria.saltatory conduction the rapid passage of an electric potential between the nodes of ranvier in myelinated nerve fibers, rather than along the full length of the membrane.


(kon-dŭk'shŭn), 1. The act of transmitting or conveying certain forms of energy, such as heat, sound, or electricity, from one point to another, without evident movement in the conducting body. 2. The transmission of stimuli of various sorts by living protoplasm. [L. con- duco, pp. ductus, to lead, conduct]


Cardiac pacing The passage of an electrical charge; the active propagation of a depolarization wave in the heart Physiology The transmission of nerve impulses. See Retrograde conduction.


(kŏn-dŭk'shŭn) 1. The act of transmitting or conveying certain forms of energy, such as heat, sound, or electricity, from one point to another, without evident movement in the conducting body. 2. The transmission of stimuli of various sorts by living protoplasm. 3. The process by which a nerve impulse is transmitted. [L. con-duco, pp. ductus, to lead, conduct]


the transmission of an electrical current by a conductor.


(kŏn-dŭk'shŭn) Transmitting or conveying energy, from one point to another, without evident movement in conducting body. [L. con-duco, pp. ductus, to lead, conduct]


Related to conduction: electrical conduction, Heat conduction
  • noun

Synonyms for conduction

noun the transmission of heat or electricity or sound


  • conductivity

Related Words

  • physical phenomenon
  • electrical conduction




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