Crom Dubh Sunday

Crom Dubh Sunday

Last Sunday in JulyCrom Dubh was an ancient Celtic god believed to live near the town of Cloghane in County Kerry. During the festival of Lughnasadh, August 1, people would go up to nearby Mount Brandon to pick berries, then join the festivities in Cloghane at the foot of the mountain. The mountain was named for St. Brendan, who is said to have converted Crom Dubh to Christianity. Thereafter the trek up Mount Brandon became a Christian pilgrimage site.
Today Cloghane hosts a revived Lughnasadh festival over the last weekend in July. In addition to the pilgrimage up Mount Brandon, there are traditional musical and dance performances, poetry readings, sheep-shearing events, boat races, and many other events.
See also Reek Sunday
Dingle Peninsula Tourism
Comharchumann Turasoireachta Chorca Dhuibhne
Dingle, County Kerry Ireland
353-66-9151188; fax: 353-66-9151270