

单词 cce



Abbreviation for:
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness (Medspeak-UK)
cholesterol crystal embolisation
clear cell endothelioma
clear cell ependymoma
clubbing, cyanosis, edema
completed consultant episode, see there (Medspeak-UK)
comprehensive clinical examination
cruciform cutting endonuclease
FinancialSeeCash and Cash Equivalents


CCECoca-Cola Enterprises Inc.
CCECentre for Continuing Education
CCECornell Cooperative Extension
CCECustomer Care Executive (various companies)
CCECenter for Career Education
CCECollege of Continuing Education
CCECustom Chrome Europe
CCECenter for Community Engagement (Univ. of Cincinnati)
CCECommission de Coopération Environnementale
CCEControl Channel Elements (wireless communications)
CCECongress Center Essen (Essen, Germany)
CCECertified Computer Examiner
CCECenter for Continuing Education
CCEConsejo Coordinador Empresarial (Spanish: Business Coordinating Council; Mexico)
CCECenter for Civic Engagement (various locations)
CCECalcium Carbonate Equivalent
CCEComhaltas Ceoltóiri Éireann (Irish musicians)
CCEConference on Clean Energy
CCECommunications and Computer Engineering (various schools)
CCEConfiguration Control Element
CCECisco Compatible Extensions
CCECustomer Carry-in Exchange
CCEChannel Control Element
CCECinema Craft Encoder
CCECouncil on Chiropractic Education
CCECold Chain Equipment
CCECorporate and Community Education (various locations)
CCEConseillers du Commerce Exterieur (Paris)
CCECapacitative Ca2+ Entry (biochemistry)
CCECinema Craft Encoder (game)
CCEContinuing Criminal Enterprise
CCECertification and Continuing Education
CCECentro de Comunicacao E Expressao
CCECenter for Civic Education
CCECommunications Convergence Engine
CCECasa de La Cultura Ecuatoriana (Ecuadorian House of Culture)
CCECorporate and Continuing Education
CCEChina Coal Energy (mining)
CCECanada College of Education (Toronto, Canada)
CCECommission des Communautés Européennes
CCECitizens Campaign for the Environment
CCECommon Configuration Enumeration (MITRE Corporation)
CCEConseil Central de l'Economie (Brussels, Belgium)
CCECertified Childbirth Educator
CCECountries of Central Europe
CCECalifornia Council for Excellence
CCEChopi (SIL code, Mozambique)
CCECadbury Creme Egg (candy)
CCECommittee of Continuous Existence (Florida)
CCEChemistry and Chemical Engineering
CCECenter for Collaborative Education
CCECivil and Construction Engineering
CCECertificat de Compétences en Entreprise (French: Certificate in Business Skills)
CCECentennial Contractors Enterprises
CCEClay Central-Everly (Iowa)
CCECertified Cost Engineer
CCECenter for Credentialing and Education
CCEChild Custody Evaluation
CCECapital Cost Estimate
CCECertified Culinary Educator
CCECholecystectomy (gallbladder surgery)
CCECertified Coin Exchange
CCECentro de Computação Eletrônica (Portuguese: Center for Computer Electronics)
CCECommon Computing Environment
CCECoordination Center for Effects
CCEContinuous Comprehensive Evaluation
CCEControl Creation Edition (Visual BASIC)
CCECouncil of Churches in England (UK)
CCEChristchurch College of Education (New Zealand)
CCEChicago Climate Exchange
CCECertified Chamber Executive
CCECertified Credit Executive
CCECertified Credit Executive (National Association of Credit Management)
CCECharge Composition Explorer
CCECamera Control Electronics
CCECommunication Commerce Electronique (French: E-Commerce Communications; LexisNexis)
CCECommittee on Continuing Education (various organizations)
CCECharge Collection Efficiency (cryogenics)
CCECentre for Clinical Effectiveness (Monash University; Clayton, VIC, Australia)
CCECommunications Center Enterprise (OpenText)
CCECommunity College Enterprise (publication; Livonia, MI)
CCECommunications Control Equipment
CCECross-Cultural Engagement (various organizations)
CCEConcours Complet d'Equitation (France)
CCEConference on Civic Education
CCECentro Di Calcolo Elettronico
CCECentro Cultural Español (Spanish)
CCECrude Cell Extract
CCEContainer Control Element (US DoD)
CCECompute Cluster Edition (Microsoft)
CCECentre de Communication Écrite (University of Montreal)
CCECost of Conserved Energy
CCECommercial Construction Equipment
CCEChristian Children's Empowerment
CCECentre for Community Enterprise
CCEClosure Cost Estimate (various locations)
CCECenter for Construction and Environment
CCEContemporary Chamber Ensemble (various locations)
CCEConnection Control Entity
CCECenter for Credentialing & Education, Inc.
CCECommittee on Chemistry Education
CCECentre de Culture Européenne (French: European Cultural Centre)
CCECloud Computing Environment
CCEClergy of the Church of England
CCECorrellian Council of Elders
CCECongregation for Catholic Education
CCECenter for Corporate Education
CCEConstruction Cost Estimate
CCEColor Changing Eye (dolls)
CCECouncil for Court Excellence
CCEChief Controller of Explosives (India)
CCECenter for Clinical Effectiveness (Loyola University Health System)
CCECertified Court Executive (National Center for State Courts)
CCECommunauté de Communes de l'Estuaire (French: Community of Estuary Communes)
CCECall Control Element
CCEChief Civil Engineer
CCEComércio de Componentes Eletrônicos (Brazil)
CCECoding Compliance Editor
CCEConsumer Communications for England
CCECaribbean Council for Europe
CCEComputer and Consumer Electronics (Council; RosettaNet)
CCECountry Club Enterprises
CCEChild Care Establishment
CCECommonwealth Consortium for Education
CCECarsharing Co-Op of Edmonton
CCECenter for Continuous Education
CCECollege of Commerce and Economics
CCECryptographic Centre of Excellence
CCECanadian Council on Electrotechnologies
CCEChurches' Commission on Education
CCECasas Communications Engineering
CCECross-Country Energy
CCECanadian Chamber Ensemble
CCECarlile Complet Eventing (equestrian services; France)
CCECanyon Creek Elementary
CCECellulose Converting Equipments
CCECentre Commercial Européen (French: European Shopping Center)
CCECustomer Centric Enterprise
CCECentres for Clinical Education
CCECouncil of Classified Employees
CCEContinuous Criminal Enterprise
CCECurrent Crowding Effect
CCECoordination, Consultation and Evaluation
CCEContinental Construction Enterprises
CCECablage Connectique Europeen
CCEClubbing, Cyanosis, or Edema
CCEContra Costa Electric
CCECorporate Citizenship Europe
CCEConsortium for Corporate Entrepreneurship
CCEComprehensive Clinical Examination
CCEComputer Command Engineer (NASA)
CCECyclists for Cultural Exchange
CCECollege Canadien des Enseignant/e/s (Canadian College of Teachers)
CCECurrent Cash Equivalent
CCEConsistency Check End
CCEConfigurable Crypto Engine
CCEConsortium for Courseware Engineering
CCEColumbia Community Education
CCEClassical Christian Educators
CCEComptoir Central d'Electricité (French: Comptoir Central Electricity)
CCECouncil for Conscious Existence
CCECommunauté de Communes de l'Embrunais (French: Community of Communes of Embrunais; Embrun, France)
CCEConsulting & Commissioning Engineers (Slovenia)
CCEContent Control Engine
CCECongress of Christian Education
CCECenter for Computational Electromagnetics
CCEC4I Common Extensions
CCECentre for Clean Energy
CCECharity Choice Events
CCEContinuity Count Error
CCEClosed Chain Exercise
CCECenter for Creative Expression (Riddle Institute)
CCECertification for Clinical Engineers
CCEChief Content Editor
CCECrystal City Evening (Toastmasters Club)
CCEComenius Collaborative Environment
CCEConceptual Cost Estimate
CCECommission Nord-Américain de Coopération Environnementale (North American Free Trade Agreement Agency)
CCECombustion Control Engineers
CCEConfraternity of Christian Education
CCECooperative College Education
CCEComplete Customer Experience
CCEComputer, Communications & Electronics
CCECasa de la Cultura Española (Portugese)
CCECommunity Care for the Elderly Coalition
CCECharged Compositive Explorer
CCECurrent Controller Electronics
CCEContingency Communication Element
CCECommanders Executive
CCECenter for Chihuahua Exploitation :-)
CCEControlled Configuration Explosive
CCECommunications Contingency Element
CCEComputer Club Elmshorn eV
CCECommunication Création d'Entreprises (French: Business Communication Design)
CCEContinuous Conductive Enclosure
CCECession Commerce Entreprise (French: Transfer Trade Company)
CCEComité Central d'Enterprise
CCECanadian Cinema Editors (Toronto, ON, Canada)
CCEClub des Collectionneurs d'Epinglettes, Inc. (French: Pin Collector's Club, Inc.)
CCECommission Consultative des Eaux (French: Water Advisory Commission; Belgium)
CCEConcepts, Creativity and Evolution




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