

单词 dtm



Abbrev. for Diploma in Tropical Medicine.


DTMDigital Terrain Model
DTMDown the Middle (fan shroud)
DTMDate Time
DTMDown Town Manhattan
DTMDevice Type Manager
DTMDon't Tell Mama
DTMDetroit, Michigan (border patrol sector)
DTMDistinguished Toastmaster
DTMDirective-Type Memorandum (US DoD)
DTMData Terminal (Tadiran)
DTMDan the Man
DTMDesign to Market
DTMDesign Theory and Methodology (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
DTMDynamic Thermal Management (computing)
DTMDriver Test Manager
DTMData Transfer Module
DTMDyed to Match (used in garment industry for matching an existing colour)
DTMDigital Terrain Map
DTMDemographic Transition Model
DTMDesign to Manufacturing
DTMDepartment of Terrestrial Magnetism (Carnegie Institution)
DTMDesktop Music (Japanese term, refers to MIDI music)
DTMDesktop Manufacturing
DTMDenied Termination
DTMDigital Terrain Modeler
DTMDynamic Thermal Management
DTMDeutsche Tourenwagen Masters
DTMDeep Truncate Mode
DTMDefined Terminating
DTMDual Transfer Mode
DTMDirectly to Metal (paint)
DTMDays to Maturity
DTMDays to Maturity (securities and financial instruments)
DTMData Transfer Mechanism
DTMDynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (Dynarc/Net Insight)
DTMDeutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (German auto racing)
DTMDiploma in Tourism Management (various schools)
DTMDrug Therapy Management (healthcare)
DTMDynamic Traffic Management
DTMDepartment of Transfusion Medicine (US NIH Clinical Center)
DTMDistributed Transaction Manager (software)
DTMDeep Tissue Massage
DTMDirection des Travaux Maritimes (French: Directions of Marine Works)
DTMDevelopment Team Manager
DTMDon't Text Me
DTMDermatophyte Test Medium
DTMDesign Team Meeting (architecture practices)
DTMDon't Tease Me
DTMDefect Test Monitor
DTMDeterministic Turing Machine (informatics)
DTMDetroit Techno Militia (record label; Michigan)
DTMDistributed Threat Mitigation (Cisco)
DTMDead Tree Media (traditional media)
DTMDead to Me
DTMDirty Teenage Mustache
DTMData Tier Modeler
DTMDEC Test Manager
DTMDortmund, Germany - Wickede (Airport Code)
DTMDemonstration Test Method
DTMDon't Touch Me
DTMDoing Too Much
DTMDevice Test Module
DTMDigital Trunk Module
DTMDelay Time Multiplier
DTMDunham Tavern Museum (Cleveland, OH)
DTMDigital Terrain Matrix
DTMDon't Time Me (Toastmasters)
DTMDiagnostics Techniques du Massif (French real estate diagnostics firm)
DTMDevelopment Test Model
DTMDead Teenager Movies
DTMDeep Truncate Mode (Cisco)
DTMDual Thruster Module
DTMDynamic Trace Memorization
DTMDesktop Manufacturing Corporation (Austin, TX)
DTMDeutsche Telekom Mobilenet
DTMDynamic Tunnel Multicast (networking)
DTMDetroit & Mackinac Railway Company
DTMDiscrete Track Medium
DTMDaily Traffic Metering Report (Sprint)
DTMDisk Tape Module (Telabs)
DTMDesign Tasking Memo
DTMDown Town Mafia (game)
DTMDrop Track Message
DTMDialtone & More (Douglasville, GA)




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