diastolic thrill


 [thril] a vibration felt by the examiner on palpation; see also fremitus.diastolic thrill one felt over the precordium during diastole in advanced aortic insufficiency.hydatid thrill one felt on percussing over a hydatid cyst.presystolic thrill one felt just before the ventricular systole over the apex of the heart.systolic thrill one felt over the precordium during ventricular systole in aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, and ventricular septal defect.

di·a·stol·ic thrill

a thrill felt over the precordium or over a blood vessel during ventricular diastole.

di·a·stol·ic thrill

(dī'ă-stol'ik thril) A thrill palpable over the precordium or over a blood vessel during ventricular diastole.