

单词 ccd



abbr.1. charge-coupled device2. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine


abbreviation for (Electronics) charge-coupled device


charge-coupled device: a semiconductor chip with a light-sensitive grid, used for converting images into electrical signals.



Abbrev. for charge-coupled device. A light-sensitive electronic detector, invented 1970, now widely used in ground- and space-based astronomy for imaging, photometry, spectroscopy, astrometry, etc. CCDs are normally sensitive over a wide range of wavelengths from blue light to near-infrared; developments have extended the range further into the IR (see infrared detectors), and into the ultraviolet and X-ray regions (to energies up to about 6 keV). A CCD is small (typically several square centimeters) compared with a photographic plate, and therefore covers a relatively small field of view. It also has a lower resolution than a fine-grained photographic emulsion. It does, however, have a much higher quantum efficiency – i.e. is a much more efficient detector – than emulsion; exposure times are therefore relatively much shorter. CCDs are thus well suited to the imaging of faint objects. They also have a linear response over a wide range of illumination, and in a properly designed and operating CCD system, the response is very stable over long timescales.

Astronomical CCDs are fabricated as a two-dimensional array of tiny pixels (picture elements) on a thin wafer of semiconductor, usually silicon; there may be up to several thousand rows and columns of pixels. When light or other radiation is directed onto this array, each pixel responds to the photons falling on it by producing electrons. Electric charge thus accumulates in each pixel in proportion to the amount of incident radiation. After an exposure, these packets of charge are shifted out of the array and the accumulated charge in each pixel is measured, row by row. The values are digitized and stored in a computer, and may be used to form an image on a computer screen or may be further manipulated or analyzed. There is a direct relationship between the intensity of the recorded image and the original exposure, hence the linear response. Noise is, however, introduced as the charges are moved out of the CCD, amplified, digitized, and stored in the computer, thus placing a lower limit on the signal that can be accurately recorded; this readout noise can be reduced by cooling the CCD.


(geology) calcite compensation depth (electronics) charge-coupled device


Charge-Coupled Device


(1) (Charge-Coupled Device) See CCD sensor.

(2) (Consumer Computing Device) An earlier term for a low-cost consumer-oriented computing product such as a PDA or Internet appliance.



A gene on chromosome 6p21 that encodes a nuclear protein member of the RUNX family of transcription factors with a Runt DNA-binding domain. RUNX2 is essential for osteoblastic differentiation and skeletal morphogenesis, and acts as a scaffold for nucleic acids and regulatory factors involved in skeletal gene expression.
Molecular pathology
RUNX2 mutations cause cleidocranial dysplasia, a bone development disorder.


Telemedicine A semiconducting device–charge-coupled device in a solid-state camera or scanner which contains photosensitive (optical) cells; each pixel of an image requires a cell–the more CCDs in a scanner, the higher an image's resolution. See CCD camera.


(di-vis') [Fr. devis, contrivance] An apparatus, tool, or machine made for a specific function.ABDUCTION DEVICE

abduction device

A trapezoidal pillow, wedge, or splint placed between the arm and torso to prevent adduction. It is commonly used postoperatively for patients having total joint replacement or open reduction or internal fixation of the hip or shoulder. See: illustration

adaptive device

Assistive technology.

adaptive seating device

Abbreviation: ASD
A device that provides a proper sitting position for those with limited motor control. Such devices include seating inserts, wheelchairs, and postural support systems designed to prevent deformities and enhance function. Synonym: seating system

assistive technology device

Assistive technology.

augmentative device

A device that helps people with limited or no speech to communicate. Examples include communication boards, pictographs, or ideographs (symbols representing ideas, not sounds). BAG MASK DEVICE

bag mask device

A manually operated resuscitator used to ventilate a nonbreathing patient or assist the ventilation of a patient who is not breathing at an effective rate or tidal volume. The device consists of a bag, an oxygen reservoir system, a one-way flow valve, and a clear face mask. It is designed to be attached to an oxygen source by tubing to deliver concentrations approaching 100%. See: illustration

belay device

A device using friction to brake or slow the movement of a rope, or to protect a patient, basket, climber, or other rescuer.

biventricular assist device

Abbreviation: BiVAD
A device that helps both ventricles of the heart contract more effectively. It is used to treat heart failure by propelling blood out of the chambers of the heart.

cardiac rhythm management device

Abbreviation: CRMD
An umbrella term for pacemakers and implantable cardioverter/defibrillators.

cervical immobilization device

Abbreviation: CID
A stiff neck brace or collar to prevent movement of the cervical spine in order to maintain spinal alignment and prevent injury or paralysis.

charge-coupled device

Abbreviation: CCD
A device used in video and digital imaging (such as in CT scanning) that creates electronic images from light.

clitoral vacuum device

A mechanical device used to engorge and stimulate the clitoris. It is used as a U.S. FDA–approved treatment for female sexual dysfunction.

electronic infusion device

Abbreviation: EID
A device for monitoring intravenous infusions. The device may have an alarm in case the flow is restricted because of an occlusion of the line. In that case, the alarm will sound when a preset pressure limit is sensed. The device can also signal that an infusion is close to completion. The pressure is regulated by the height at which the container is positioned above the level of the heart when the patient is lying flat. A height of 36 in (91 cm) provides a pressure of 1.3 lb/sq in (70 mm Hg). Most EIDs are equipped to stop the flow of the infused liquid if accidental free flow occurs. See: infusion pump

esophageal intubation detector device

A syringe attached to the endotracheal tube immediately after an intubation attempt.

Patient care

If aspiration is difficult or stomach contents are withdrawn, or both, the endotracheal (ET) tube may have been placed in the esophagus and needs to be removed and reinserted. If aspiration is easy and free of stomach contents, it is probable that the ET tube is located in the trachea; the rescuer should then confirm tube placement by other techniques, e.g., a combination of auscultation, x-ray, and pulse oximetry.

femoral compression device

A device used to apply pressure to the large artery or vein in the thigh after it has been cannulated in order to reduce bleeding from the punctured vessel. Femoral compression devices are used, e.g., after angiography.

flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device

Abbreviation: FROPVD
A ventilation device that provides a peak flow rate of 100% oxygen at up to 40 L/min. See: oxygen-powered ventilation device

Flutter device

See: Flutter device

head immobilization device

A device that attaches to a long back board and holds the patient's head in neutral alignment. See: long back board

humanitarian use device

Humanitarian device exemption.

improvised explosive device

Abbreviation: IED
Military jargon for a homemade bomb or land mine used in unconventional warfare.

input device

In assistive technology, the device that activates an electronic device. This can be a manual switch, a remote control, or a joystick. See: switch

inspiratory impedance threshold device

Inspiratory impedance threshold valve.

intrauterine contraceptive device

Abbreviation: IUCD, IUD
See: intrauterine contraceptive device.

Kendrick extrication device

See: Kendrick extrication device

left ventricular assist device

Abbreviation: LVAD
A pump surgically implanted in patients with severe heart failure to move blood from the left ventricle to the ascending aorta. The LVAD usually augments the heart's function until it heals (following a severe myocardial infarction) or until a heart transplant becomes available, e.g., for patients with heart failure with a markedly diminished ejection fraction. The LVAD also may be used permanently for a patient who does not meet criteria for transplantation.

listening device

A speech amplifier that aids the hearing-impaired in direct person-to-person communication or telephone conversation. Such devices differ from conventional hearing aids in that they reduce interference from background noises.

medical device

Any health care product that is intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease and does not primarily work by effecting a chemical change in the body

mobility device

Any assistive technology that aids the movement of people with physical impairments. Examples include lift chairs, scooters, or wheelchairs.

needleless device

A device that has no exposed sharp surface, used to inject drugs and fluids. It is designed to decrease the risk of needle-stick injuries by health care professionals.

oxygen-conserving device

Abbreviation: OCR
Any device that reduces the loss of administered oxygen into the environment, e.g., one that releases oxygen to a patient only when the patient inhales.

oxygen-powered ventilation device

A multifunction ventilation devicehat uses high-flow oxygen. This device can often be triggered by negative pressure caused by an inhaling patient; it can also be operated by a button while the operator watches the patient's chest rise.


During resuscitation, it is necessary to use the positive-pressure aspect of this device and manually trigger or compress the button because the patient cannot open the valve by inhaling. These devices should be fitted with an overinflation high-pressure alarm to avoid gastric distention and/or barotrauma.

personal flotation device

Abbreviation: PFD
A life vest to prevent drowning and near drowning. People engaged in water sports, such as boating or water skiing, or rescuers working on or near the water should wear PFDs at all times. The U.S. Coast Guard sets standards and establishes specifications for the manufacture and use of PFDs. Personal flotation devices may be used to provide added buoyancy for the patient during aquatic therapy.

personal assistive mobility device

Personal mobility device.

personal mobility device

Any assistive device that facilitates individual human transportation. Examples include powered wheelchairs, scooters, bicycles and unicycles. Although many such devices are used by people with activity or mobility restrictions, mobility aids can be employed generally, e.g., for urban transportation in place of automobiles. Synonym: personal assistive mobility device

pointing device

A type of input device for sending commands to a computer. Moving the device results in movement of a cursor on the monitor or computer screen. Pointing devices range from the conventional desktop mouse, trackball, and touch-sensitive screens to infrared and ultrasound pointers mounted on the head. See: light pointer; switch

position-indicating device

Abbreviation: PID
A device to guide the direction of the x-ray beam during the exposure of dental radiographs. This devices improves and standardizes dental radiographic imaging and reduces the patient's risk of radiation exposure.

positive beam limiting device

A collimator that automatically adjusts the size of the radiation field to match the size of the imaging device. Synonym: automatic collimator

powered mobility device

Abbreviation: PMD
Any assistive device (such as a powered wheelchair, a lift chair, or a scooter) that improves the movement of the functionally impaired.

pressure relief device

An appliance filled with air, water, gel, or foam, to reduce pressure points caused by the patient’s body weight when seated or bedridden. Examples include wheelchair cushions and air or water flotation mattresses.

prosthetic terminal device

A component of an upper extremity prosthesis that substitutes for the functions of the hand. There are many types of terminal devices, some of which are designed for use with specific tools and implements. These devices have two primary actions: voluntary opening and voluntary closing. Synonym: hook

protective device

An external support applied to vulnerable joints or other body parts to guard against injury. Protective devices include helmets, braces, tape or wrapping, and padding.

pubovaginal device

A device fitted for use in the vagina to help prevent urinary incontinence. See: pessary

sequential compression device

Abbreviation: SCD.
A device to reduce edema or prevent the formation of blod clots in an extremity. A chambered nylon sleeve is progressively inflated from its distal segment to the proximal segment, forcing venous and lymphatic return. Sequential compression devices are inflated with air (pneumatic compression) or, less commonly, chilled water (cryocompression). SCDs are used frequently in the perioperative period. See: intermittent compression

single-use device

A medical device used once for the care of a single patient and then immediately discarded.

spine arthroplasty device

A prosthesis to replace a damaged intervertebral disk.

superconductive quantum interference device

Abbreviation: SQUID
A biomagnetometer used to measure magnetic fields in the body or the presence of magnetically active elements or minerals, such as body stores of iron.

telecommunication device for the deaf

Abbreviation: TDD
A device that allows the hearing-impaired to use the telephone even if they cannot comprehend speech. A keyboard and display screen are used. VENOUS ACCESS DEVICES: A. An over-the-needle catheter; B. An inside-the-needle catheter.VENOUS ACCESS DEVICES: A. An over-the-needle catheter; B. An inside-the-needle catheter.

venous access device

A specially designed catheter for gaining and maintaining access to the venous system. This device provides access for patients who require intravenous fluids or medications for several days or more, e.g., those having a bone marrow transplant or who are receiving long-term total parenteral nutrition. See: venous port See: illustration

ventricular assist device

Abbreviation: VAD
A pump to treat heart failure. It helps the ventricles to contract and move blood to the lungs and/or the aorta. See: left ventricular assist device

charge-coupled device

Abbreviation: CCD
A device used in video and digital imaging (such as in CT scanning) that creates electronic images from light. See also: device


CCDCharge-Coupled Device (type of image sensor)
CCDConfraternity of Christian Doctrine (Catholic religious education)
CCDCamouflage, Concealment, & Deception
CCDCensus County Division
CCDCommon Core of Data (US Department of Education)
CCDColony Collapse Disorder (bee colony)
CCDCharge-Coupled Device
CCDConsortium for Citizens with Disabilities
CCDContinuity of Care Document (clinical information)
CCDCiudad Creativa Digital (Spanish: Creative Digital City; Guadalajara, Mexico)
CCDCommunity College of Denver (Denver, CO)
CCDConvention to Combat Desertification
CCDControl of Communicable Diseases (various locations)
CCDCouncil of Canadians with Disabilities (Conseil des Canadiens avec Déficiences)
CCDCincinnati Country Day (school; Cincinnati, OH)
CCDConcatenated Disk (driver)
CCDChemExper Chemical Directory (Internet database)
CCDCourse Code Directory (Florida Department of Education)
CCDContinuously Controlled Damping
CCDConsistent Change Data
CCDCable Crypt Decoder
CCDComponent Configuration Document
CCDCompare Controller Data
CCDCharged Coupled Device
CCDConsole Configuration Database
CCDCustomer Confirmed Date
CCDClone Cd
CCDCortical Collecting Duct
CCDCamera Color Dome
CCDCommunity Cultural Development (various locations)
CCDCustomer Care Department
CCDChristian Commission for Development (est. 1982)
CCDCentral Core Disease
CCDCentros Comunitarios Digitales (Spanish: Digital Community Centres; Mexico)
CCDCentro Cristiano Democratico (Christian Democratic Center; Italian political party)
CCDCentro Cristiano Democratico (Italian: Christian Democratic Center)
CCDCafe Coffee Day (India)
CCDClimate Change Division (various locations)
CCDCenter for Culinary Development
CCDComprehensive Community Development
CCDCarbonate Compensation Depth (geology)
CCDCity and County of Denver (Colorado)
CCDComprehensive Child Development
CCDCold Cathode Discharge
CCDCleidocranial Dysplasia
CCDCoastal Community Development (various organizations)
CCDCambridge Cluster Database (molecular energies; UK)
CCDCongress Center Duesseldorf (Germany)
CCDConstruction Career Days
CCDCombatant Craft Division (US DoD)
CCDCash Concentration and Disbursement
CCDConsumer Credit Directive (UK)
CCDClosed Caption Decoder
CCDCounter Current Decantation (mineral processing)
CCDCity Centre Development (various locations)
CCDContinuous Collision Detection (computational collision detection)
CCDCity Center District (various locations)
CCDCentral City District (various locations)
CCDCharge-Coupled Detector
CCDCooperative Collection Development (libraries)
CCDConference of the Committee on Disarmament
CCDCoalition For Cultural Diversity (Quebec)
CCDConsular Consolidated Database
CCDConflict Criminal Defenders (Sacramento, CA)
CCDCoherent Change Detection (image processing)
CCDConstruction Change Directive
CCDConvention de Lutte Contre La Désertification (French: Convention to Combat Desertification; UN)
CCDCoastal Consistency Determination
CCDCorporate Communications Department
CCDCabinet Committee on Disinvestment (India)
CCDCongress Center Dresden (Germany)
CCDCentre for Communication and Development (Bangladesh)
CCDCenter for Constitutional Dialogue (Nepal)
CCDCertified Clinical Densitometrist (bone density certification)
CCDComputer Controlled Display
CCDContract Completion Date
CCDContract Change Date (crops)
CCDCitizens for Civil Discourse (US; political discussion)
CCDClosed Cycle Diesel
CCDChemical Composition Distribution
CCDCourse Control Document
CCDConvention Internationale de Lutte Contre La Désertification (French: International Convention to Combat Desertification)
CCDCommission Coopération Développement (French: Committee on Cooperation and Development; est. 1984)
CCDChemical Control Division (EPA)
CCDComputer Crimes Division
CCDCreative Compulsive Disorder
CCDCounty Conservation Districts
CCDCounseling and Career Development
CCDClark Conservation District (South Dakota)
CCDCentre for Career Destination (India)
CCDCommon Connectivity Device
CCDConsumer and Computation Division (Cypress Semiconductor Corporation; San Jose, CA)
CCDCourage the Cowardly Dog (cartoon show)
CCDCommander of Coast Defences (UK)
CCDChattahoochee Country Dancers (Atlanta, GA)
CCDConference on Copyright for Digital Millennium
CCDCalcium Compensation Depth (oceanography)
CCDCentro Clinico Dental (Spanish: Dental Clinic Center; various locations)
CCDCharity Commission Direct (UK)
CCDCoastal Conservation Department
CCDCatalytic Combustion Detector
CCDCatholic Christian Doctrine (common, but incorrect)
CCDConceptual Common Denominator
CCDConfiguration Control Decision
CCDCorpus Callosum Division (neurology)
CCDCertified Camp Director
CCDCommittee on Commerce and Distribution
CCDCenter for Character Development
CCDCenter for Culture and Development (various locations)
CCDConfiguration Control Document(s)
CCDCertified Christian Doula
CCDCommunauté de Communes du Diois
CCDCentral City Dump
CCDCambodian Community Day (Cambodia)
CCDConstruction Completion Date
CCDChangeling Control Division (comic strip)
CCDChair Command Disconnect
CCDComite Civil de Dialogo (Spanish: Civil Dialogue Committee; Zapatista National Liberation Front; Mexico)
CCDCategory Code Directory
CCDCheckout Command Decoder
CCDCivil Censorship Division (Civil Intelligence Section, Supreme Command, Allied Powers of the Far East Command)
CCDConstants Change Display (NASA)
CCDCategory Class Diagram
CCDCombat Capability Document (US Air Force)
CCDCenter for Clean Development
CCDComplementary Coded Decimal
CCDCall Center Dashboard (shortcuts that automatically open applications in a call center)
CCDConcept Capability Demonstrator (EU)
CCDComputerized Circuit Design, Inc.
CCDChartered Creative Director (AAPRMA)
CCDCommitted Completion Date
CCDCouncil of Chapters and Divisions (UN)
CCDContinental Communications Division
CCDConfiguration Control Drawing
CCDCentral Cloudy Dystrophy (eye disorder)
CCDComfortable Clothing Day
CCDCoarse Control Damper
CCDCategory Code Document
CCDCorrespondence Control Division (White House)
CCDCursor Controlled Device
CCDCiena CoreDirector (Ciena)
CCDConfiguration Control Directive
CCDCritically Controlled Document
CCDCity Civil Defense Director
CCDCoalición Centroamericana Democrática (Spanish: Central Democratic Coalition; Mexico)
CCDCommittee on Corporate Development
CCDCentral Coordination Disturbance
CCDCalifornia Conservatory of Dance (Mission Viejo, CA)
CCDCorporate Customer Database (AAFES)
CCDCentral Cell Density
CCDClient Contractual Dependency
CCDConception Coordination Décoration (French design company)
CCDCreative Communications & Design (est. 2003; Macedonia, OH)
ThesaurusSeedigital camera




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