CCBSCisco Catalyst Blade Switch (software)
CCBSCustomer Care and Billing Solutions
CCBSCenter for Civilian Biodefense Studies (Johns Hopkins University; Maryland)
CCBSCharacter and Creature Building System (Lego Hero Factory)
CCBSCompletion of Calls to Busy Subscribers
CCBSClimate, Community and Biodiversity Standard
CCBSCustomer Care and Billing System
CCBSCommittee on Capacity Building in Science
CCBSCall Completion on Busy Subscriber
CCBSCapitol City Bird Society
CCBSCentre for Clinical Brain Sciences (UK)
CCBSClear Channel Broadcasting Service
CCBSClose Cover Before Striking (matchbook covers)
CCBSCenter for Chinese Business Studies (Hong Kong)
CCBSChildren's Core for Biomedical Statistics (Seattle, WA)