Arguelles, Agustin
Arguelles, Agustin
Born Aug. 18, 1776, in Riba-desella; died Mar. 26, 1844, in Madrid. Spanish statesman. One of the leaders of the liberal gentry.
By education Argüelles was a lawyer. During the revolution of 1808–14 he was a deputy to the Cadiz Cortes and one of the principal writers of the Cadiz Constitution of 1812. After the restoration of absolutism in 1814, Argüelles was sent to hard labor, where he stayed until 1820. During the revolution of 1820–23 he was one of the leaders of the party of the moderados. From 1820 to 1821, Argüelles was minister of internal affairs and de facto head of the constitutional government; from 1822 to 1823 he was a deputy to the Cortes. The years 1823–34 were spent in exile. Argüelles participated in drawing up the Constitution of 1837.