Clark Creek Natural Area

Clark Creek Natural Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Mississippi
Location:13 miles west of Woodville off Highway 24 at the Pond Community.
Activities:Hiking, birdwatching, photography.
Special Features:Located in southwestern Mississippi, this Natural Area features some 50waterfalls, ranging in size from 10 to more than 30 feet high, as wellas a variety of uncommon plants and animals, including the threatenedblack bear. Hunting is not permitted here, and only foot traffic isallowed (no camping or motorized vehicles permitted). Clark Creek is ina remote area and offers no potable water or other amenities, sovisitors should be medically fit and are cautioned to bring plenty ofwater on any outing here.
Address:366 Fort Adams Pond Rd
Jackson, MS 39669

Size: 700 acres.

See other parks in Mississippi.